Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

BF 1942 Mod Release: DC Global Front 0.2 D heute!

 DC Global Front: Ausblick auf Version 0.2c

Hi, Leute will euch die neue News zum DCGF Release präsentieren. Schließlich mussten wir 3 Jahre warten. Und die wenigen Jungs die daran Gearbeitet haben, machten einen tollen Job, sodass die Mod jetzt für alle Verfügbar ist.! Ladet sie und habt Spaß damit. Haltet die Fahnen für das Modifizieren von Spielen hoch. Es muss nicht immer ein Bosster Pack oder DLC sein? Der freigeist, der ist das was zählt.  


Anforderung: BF 1942 kostenlos Download Origin macht es möglich, damit könnt ihr sogar Mods zocken:

  Download Patch 1.61b Patch (7 MB):
  Download Mod Desert Combat 0.7:
  Download DC Global Front 0.2 D Download: 
 Download Changelog and News: Discussion Topic

Montag, 3. Juni 2013

DC Global Front 0.2 D facts/Release Date! 03.06.2013

DC Global Front 0.2 D big News
Its finish now the C7 with ELCAN scope for the Canadian Forces! You can use the MBT-LAW for the UK Forces! The Turkmenistan's BRDM Spandrel vehicle has becomes a finally skin. The Turkmenistan gets it's Pantsyr Air Defense Truck, has been coded from Raven NL. A new map for the 0.2D release is DCGF Narco Hunt, its based on the famous DC Basrah Nights map. Cristhian have made all the new stuff from the Narco Mexican Forces (skin,textures,buildings). For the Head animations MARSHALL NORD the dev Leader havegive assisted by create. As finally Cristhian have been added the BTR-60 vehicle and give him a new Narco Mexican Forces skin. A new static for the DCGF 0.2D release. A pile driver track suitable for construction environments. This one is shown on the urban map DCGF MOUT. At the moment, all new content are added and the full package download made ready. The good news is, it should once again be a public release. As the date in the room is available mid-June 2013. Stay tuned and stay tuned!
Picture's and Source of the Mod News: *****************************