Sonntag, 29. Januar 2017

Forgotten Hope: -=PFC=- Stalingrad Event 4.Feb 2017

Soon its February, the second month in the year. The Pixel-Fighter Community presents the first public Forgotten Hope Event in 2017 for you the community! Be one of the part, tell your friends or take a look inside oldschool gaming at best! Make the Saturday and the year 2017 together successfull for the community.

Our Event calls....

New Maps made by the great -=PFC=- Kampfsau!

Single Map Download:

f tp://

extract the maps in your FH level folder, for example:

C://Program Files (x86)/EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942/Mods/FH/Archives/bf1942/levels

Forgotten Hope 0.7 full Windows 7/8/10 support only one installer:  Download

Pimp up your good old FH 0.7 Mod with a bloody screen effect or Sound and Texture Pack for a more WW2 realism experience!

3.) BLOODY SCREEN + LOW HP:  Download

 Installation: Battlefield 1942/Mods/FH/Archives/ (paste menu_001.rfa here)

3.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 - Famous Bratwurst + Texture Patch "22.Sep 2015": Download

Additional Maps for the Mappack Events:

3a.) PFC Custom Maps:

3b.) Filefront Custom Maps:


Date: 04.02.2017 

Start: 19gmt+1

New Maps what we play (made by -=PFC=- Kampfsau):

Somewhere in Stalingrad
Stalin Line 1941
6th army

The Download for the maps will comming here soon after its public....$/1915-1916-1917-Lustige-Blatter-1-Weltkrieg-WW1-_57.jpg


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2017

BF 1942 / Mods: Bodies Stay Mod!

A mod that makes the dead bodies stay on the battlefield for a very long time.

This mod is actually rather easy to make if you have the right tools (Battlefield Mod Development Toolit/WinRFA), but this is for the lazy people ;)
Works with:
  • The expansion packs (Road to Rome, Secret Weapons)
  • BF1861
Different downloads for:
  • BF1942
  • BF1918
  • Galactic Conquest
  • Forgotten Hope
  • Eve of Destruction
Download: here

How to install:
Go to this directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\Mods\EoD\Archives (or something similar)
now replace the objects.rfa file with the one in this .zip folder.
Enjoy the Bodies Stay Mod!
I recommend you to download a blood patch and ragdoll mod too.

blood patch:

ragdoll mod: (link in description)

Or you could just download any other realism mod, but I don't think bodies will stay as long as in my mod...

Tip:  Just replacing the animation files in animation.rfa in the main game folder (not in the mod folder), but you'll need a WinRFA tool (included in the Battlefield Mod Development Toolkit) to open the animation.rfa file and pack it again after you're finished. I think you can find a download and a tutorial how to use it on google ;)


Samstag, 21. Januar 2017

BF 1942 Vanilla: Strasbourg [WIP] "modding inside"

This is a WIP (work in progress) I have been working on for the last couple of weeks.

The map is called "Strasbourg". It features 5 flags (neutral at round start) and two mains. The map is a medium size map, which is divided in two in it's very center by a railway. The flag at the very center of the map spawns a controllable train, of which I will post pics below. The train can be controlled like any other normal vehicle, it stays on the track and you can couple it with the train wagons, which all spawn at the center flag. Some train wagons have weapons attached to them, such as a rocket platform turret, machineguns and AAs. The code for the moving train wasn't made by me, it was made by a FHSW developper called "exe". He published the train modification on the website for all to use. The meshes used for the train aren't his however; the locomotive was made by a modder called "Smig" (he has a site where he publishes 3D Model), and the wagons are from the XPack2 map Raid on Agheila. I modified them slightly to my liking.

The railway goes from east to west, and the train can travel the full length without derailments. I thought it would be interesting to add a movable train in a BF map (it has never been done before). The train is not only a weapon against aircraft and armor, as well as being a troop transport, it can also be used to move from one flag to the other.

Here are some pics of the map so far. It is still very far from being finished, as I have just started placing static objects and haven't painted the ground textures yet. The textures you see on the map are the default ground textures BC42 displays when you generate surface maps. Surface maps aren't the actually textures of the map themselves, they are just a "primer" for the actual ground painting phase, which I will do later, after having placed all the statics.

So yeah, the map is, I would say, maybe 30% done at this point. The bulk of the map making process for me will be to place the static objects on the map, and import a few custom meshes too.








Some custom objects which I have decided to use for this map:

Ju88A from BoB
Pak40 from LoC
Locomotive object made by Smig
Train_Cart object from XPack2
Train_Platform object from XPack2
RocketPlatform stationary weapon from RoA map (XPack2)
Guard_Guate_open_m1 object from XPack2
stonecross_m1 object from XPack1
and a bunch of other meshes, mainly from XPack2.

I plan to release this map for XPack2 and for vanilla BF. The vanilla BF version of course will be bigger in size since I have to add the custom meshes from XPack2 map side.

The XPack2 version will feature more vehicles from that mod, like the motorcycles and maybe a heavy tank or two.

developer of this Infantry Clan battle Mod: Raised Fist v0.5 Beta

Source/Author: Classical Modder aka Black Mamba

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017

Interstate 82: Ninja Ratchet 7 Release!

After narrowly escaping NR6 on a chromed out Enterprise, you & your team launched back to outer space. In search of The Queen Zillian, your ship was hit by an asteroid & crash landed on yet another death planet...a mayday was sent out to Sniperjackie & KaHuna...the crew rides out towards the highest ridge in hopes of rescue.

After narrowly escaping NR6 on a chromed out Enterprise, you & your team launched back to outer space. In search of The Queen Zillian, your ship was hit by an asteroid & crash landed on yet another death planet...a mayday was sent out to Sniperjackie & KaHuna...the crew rides out towards the highest ridge in hopes of rescue.

The 7th installment in the Epic Series, Ninja Ratchet. Smoke 'em Out!!!
If you find this map to be too challenging, please try playing one of the other 200+ maps at

1.) Download Battlefield 1942(865MB) 

2.)  Download Interstate 82(393MB)




---- Battlefield 1918 ---- breaking News ----

The second part of the news deals with the world war one ostfront and tournemt.
If do you don't just can get enough, in the next 3-4 weeks is a new Battlefield 1918 Forgotten Honor (FHT) Campaign in conversation! Please tell and got your friend for it?! Leading developers of the Battlefield 11918 Mod comming more than 5 years ago back to Patch this mod to 3.2. Because the move is the Ostfront in the First World War scenario. People what want to play a lieing war playing new games. If do you support the accuracy WW1 and Video sighting isnt important, do you here right!

Source: /

Freitag, 13. Januar 2017

Youtube Videos bleiben schwarz?

Heute beschäftigen wir uns kurz mit dem wichtigen Thema, das abspielen von Videos. Denn manche von uns Spielern oder besonders die aktiven Modder unserer Battlefield Gemeinde nutzen Youtube als Plattform, um ihre neuen durchbrüche in Sachen Modding zu Präsentieren. Da ist es hinderlich, wenn man auf einmal auf seiner Lieblingsvideo Plattform kein Video mehr abspielen kann und höchstens bei schwarzem Bildschirm noch einen Ton vom Video bekommt. Das Problem ist bei uns seit ein paar tagen, um genau zu sein, seitdem 50.1.0  update des Mozilla Firefox Browser. Bei manchen Nutzern werden nun keine Youtube Videos mehr abgespielt. Der Bildschirm bleibt schwarz, aber der Ton geht an. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn. Bei unseren Recherchen sind wir jedoch auf die Lösung gestoßen. Hier ist die Lösung kurz und schmerzlos, schonungslos zusammengefasst.

Geht auf die Web Adresse "about:config" in eurem Mozilla Firefox und gebt in der Suchzeile dann "media.mediasource" ein. Setzt den Parameter dann von "True" auf "false".

Wir hoffen, dass wir vielen Nutzern helfen konnten das Problem zu beheben, wenn ihr Lust habt, dann hinterlasst einfach ein Kommentar am Ende der News. Und Zwar dort wo im moment "Keine Kommentare" steht (das klickt ihr an):

"Keine Kommentare:"

Author: Sören Hentzschel


Montag, 9. Januar 2017

A Call to Arms - Battlefield 1918 development is back in 2017!

Development of Battlefield 1918 has been resumed after 5 years of silence; upcoming 3.2 patch to focus on the eastern front and in particular the balkan theatre with new armies and some new weapons.

Es ist nunmehr 5 1/2 Jahre her, seitdem der letzte offizielle Release der Battlefield 1918 Mod stattgefunden hat. Ziel ist es nun die unveröffentlichte Arbeit der Ostfront zu vollenden. Dazu gehören neue Nationen und Skins die noch nicht in BF 1918 eingefügt wurden. Es mangelde bisher an Maps für die neuen Errungenschaften der Moddingkunst. Der Mod Release stand 2011 unter Zeitdruck, da die Entwickler damals schnell damit fertig werden wollten. Deshalb fanden einige Ideen nicht mehr den Weg hinein in die Mod. Battlefield 1918 hatte auch eine eigene Präsentation unter der Domain, unter dessen Name auch ein Server Jahrelang betrieben wurde. Leider wurde die Webseite auf nimmersehen abgeschaltet und kurzezeit später verschwand auch der Server. Damals hatten wir die Chance die Beta mit testen zu dürfen. Legendäre Spieler von diversen 1918 Clans Namen Teil. Heute meldet sich die Mod endlich zurück. Somit kriegt das einzige ernsthafte 1.Weltkrieg Spiel auf dem Markt ein Update. Wenn man Battlefield 1918 mit anderen WW1 Spielen vergleicht, setzen sich diese nicht so ernsthaft mit dem ersten Weltkrieg auseinander. Moderne Spiele (Battlefield 1) verwischen die Fronten zwischen 1. und 2.Weltkrieg. Außerdem kommt man bei dem heutigen freischalt und Skinpaket Wahnsinn gar nicht mehr in den Genuss ein bisschen WW1 Geschichte mitzubekommen. Auf Battlefield 1918 herrscht die Regel gleiche Waffen und gleiche Chancen für alle. Lange haben die Fans auf ein Update gehofft., nach der FHT Kampagne 2012 verließen viele die Mod, somit sah es nicht gut aus. Jedoch fand im Januar 2016 ein Revival für die Mod statt. Inszeniert wurde das ganze von der russischen Community rund um Dad Ross & Co in Partnerschaft mit dem Badewiese 1918 Server kurz |BWT. Dies brachte BF 1918 wieder zurück ins Gespräch und Spiel. Badewiese ist unter anderem dafür bekannt, dass sie seit vielen Jahren einen deutschen Desert Combat Conquest Server zur Verfügung stellen. Eingefleischten Battlefield Fans sollte also der Name Badewiese ein Begriff wie der Name Cola sein. Cicero arbeitete 2012 mit an der genialen Battlefield 1918 FHT Kampagne. Die letzte Battlefield 1918 FHT Kampagne fand 2016 im Februar statt, im Herbst 2016 fand noch eine russische BF 1918 Kampagne an der mehr als 25 Spieler teilnahmen statt. Jeder konnte mitmachen. Bald hoffen wir näheres zum Stand der Arbeit an v3.2 zu Wissen und das ein oder andere Battlefield 1918 Bild für euch erhaschen zu können. Also bleibt mit uns dran. Der Battlefield 1918 Badewiese Server ist 24 Stunden am Tag geschaltet, gepielt werden kann COOP und Conquest. Mapvote ist angeschaltet.

Jetzt fragt ihr euch bestimmt, woher ihr die Mod bekommt und wo ihr spielen könnt?

Battlefield 1918 v3.1 (Teil 1-3): Download

Server Name: BF1918 by |BWT| Badewiese

Server Address:   Port: 14568

Hier der Original statement zu BF 1918 v3.2, verfasst von  Posted by
We are back! More than five years after the release of the last version 3.1, the development of Battlefield 1918 has been resumed.

Our current agenda is to release a 3.2 patch around spring time which will in particular:
- cover the eastern front, which until now is underrepresented
- introduce the forgotten balkan theatre, including new armies
- add some new weapons
- fix some known bugs and implement further minor improvements.

So far, we are on a good track against these goals. However, we also want task YOU, the community, for support. Anybody who would like to contribute to the development - for example as Mapper, Modeler, Skinner, Tester, or in any other function - just contact us. A comment to this news or a PM to me will do the trick.
Stay tuned for upcoming news which will present new contents!
 Posted by

Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

Desert Combat: Bad Luck City Map Released


Bad Luck City.. a Conquest map for Desert Combat, created by duffman

Soo... I have spent a long time making this map, not really on purpose, I was trying to fix a different map but ended up making this one instead. It's my first attempt at map making.. but I ended up in a circle going back to fix and add more things as I gained more knowledge... and most of it comes from this forum!

This is the map that I mentioned in my "introduction" a couple of months ago. And after spending "some" time making it thought it was worth a couple of pages on the internet so more info is here and.....
.....DC Bad Luck City Map: Download


 1) Located your "Battlefield 1942" installation
    (example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\")

 2) Navigate to the "Desert Combat" maps folder: "\Mods\DesertCombat\Archives\bf1942\Level\"
    (example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\DesertCombat\Archives\bf1942\Level\"

 3) Extract the zip file into this location, or copy the "DC_bad_luck_city.rfa" file into the folder:
     "C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\DesertCombat\Archives\bf1942\Level\"

 All done!





4 neutral flags that can be captured.
3 flags is needed for for opposition team to loose tickets.
Red base and Blue base flag can not be captured.
Each team starts with 500 tickets.
Loosing team will "bleed" one ticket per second.
All vehicles has 10min spawn time once destroyed.
Abandoned vehicle stays for 5min.
Loose control of flag is 10 seconds.
Gain control of flag is 10 seconds.


Medium size map with big playground
Town/City "like" with 160 buildings.
6,287 objects in total.
High-quality lightmaps and shadows.
Best played in 1920x1080 with all game options at max.
Minimum players 6.
Recommended 8+ players.
Author: duffman

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2017

Interstate 82 celebrate new years Event 2017!

It's 2017 right now, we wish you a happy new year. We celebrate the first Interstate 82 Fun/Parcour Mod Event at  Saturday 7th January this year. Feel welcome and join the event. Please support us and the game this year again. Never let us get down.

Server Name:

Server IP:

If the weather outside is frightful...
SMOKE 'EM OUT! Only 1.4GB weight.