Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016

Battlefield 1942 Custom Map Series #1

Heute wollen wir euch aus der custom map series das Paket 2016 selection vorstellen. Wir haben dieses Paket zusammen geschnürt, um zu vermeiden, dass die ein oder andere Map auf nimmer wiedersehen verschwindet. Zudem gibt so eine News und Bilder dazu eine Kompakte Information zu den Maps. Bevor wir das 11 Maps Paket geschnürt haben, testeten wir alle Maps auf Funktion. Uns ist aufgefallen, dass es die Maps "Kelly Heroes" und "Red Sky" es geschafft haben bei Battlegroup42 unter zu kommen. Bei unserem "Omaha Historic 1.4" Map Test sind uns Bild Fehler aufgefallen, ansonsten für das, dass die Map schon elf Jahre auf dem Buckel hat, ist es eine große und sehr schöne Map. Bleibt noch anzumerken, dass die Maps "Red Sky" und "Omaha Historic 1.4" besonders Textkurierte Fahrzeuge haben. Von der "Verdun 1916" Map waren wir ein kleinwenig enttäuscht. Denn wir haben auf eine Map gehofft, die von der Beschaffenheit ähnlich daher kommt, wie die Battlefield 1918 Maps, welche sich liebevoll mit dem Thema 1.Weltkrieg auseiandersetzt. Eine Standard Wüsten Map haben wir mit ins Paket genommen, nämlich "Tobruk 2". Die Map hat uns positiv überrascht und gefällt uns besser als die normale, die man schon kennt. Denn hier kam noch eine zusätzlich Flagge dazu und einen Brückenübergang, das wiederum eröffnet neue Taktische Möglichkeiten vorzugehen. Die "RM Pearl Harbour v2.0" ist eine solide gute BF 1942 Map, welche tolle Luft und  Seeschlachten liefert. Eigentlich eine Map, die man nochmal überarbeiten könnte und mit einem "Objective" Modus versehen.  "Operation Sealion" gefällt uns auch, denn die Map besticht durch ein schönes Level Design, welches den Wiedererkennwert deutlich steigert. Unserer Meinung nach hat sich die Map für ihr alter ganz gut gehalten. Übertroffen wurde die Map nur von der "The Bridge", da waren wir positiv überrascht, was da gemappt wurde. Ein super Level Design, welches man vielleicht sogar auf BF 1942 Tunieren oder in der Liga spielen könnte? Zu guter letzt kam noch die "Wintersturm" Map, die eine gelungene schöne Abwechslung zu den Sommerlichen Karten bringt. "Danube blues" ist eine solide Kleinstadt Map. Und bei "Operation Wolf" steckt noch etwas Potential drinnen, das Grundgerüst sieht schon ganz gut aus.

Nun zu den Fragen, die uns beschäftigen:

Schreibt uns doch mal wie ihr diese Maps findet? Wenn ihr Modder seid, glaubt ihr, man kann die ein oder andere Map für eine Mod weiterverwenden? Kennt ihr den ein oder anderen Mapper von damals, der diese heute vorgestellten Maps gebastelt hat? Interessieren sich Mapper von damals, für ihre getane Arbeit heute noch? Verfolgen ehemalige Mapper noch, was heute so im BF 1942 Modding geschieht? Feedbacks könnt ihr gerne unten am Ende des Artikels auf dem Kommentar Button loswerden.

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          BF1942 Mappack 2016 selection (11 Maps):   Download hat der Verdun 1916 Map ein kleines Update verpasst so das Sie mit der aktuellen BF1942 Version läuft.

Die Karte verfügt zwar über Singleplayer Support jedoch ist der nicht ganz ausgereift.
Aus dem Grund liegt Sie auch in der Kategorie Multiplayer anstatt Singleplayer Maps.

#Crash to Desktop Fixed 02.11.2010 by

1.) VERDUN - 1916

Created by: Greg Champagne (Jasta)


You are encouraged to distribute this map freely, as long as due credit is given to the author.


Have you ever seen movies such as "The Lost Battalion" or "All Quiet on the Western Front"? Of Course. These harrowing tales of trench warfare in World War 1 are what drives the imagination. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fight in the muddy trenches with the rat-tat-tat of machine guns overhead, the explosions of grenades, and artillery shells bursting around you? I know you have. Well, it is finally time to experience it. I present to you; The Battle of Verdun - 1916.


* 4 Fixed Machine guns per side.
* 2 Artillery Peices per side.
* Fight it out in the trenches as either a German or British Soldier.
* Probably the smallest map you have ever played on.
* Its fun even with 4 people. 10 is a blast.
* Provides the complete World War 1 aura: Barbed Wire, Sandbags, and, of course, TRENCHES.
* 4 Spawn points; 2 of them controllable.
* Fog of war covering the battlefield. Ensures close combat.
* It's Just frickin' fun.

2.) Danube blues  created by Bumsoft
This map is based on The events in winter 1944 when The red army first entered Budapest, Hungary. The Ai may not be supersmart but they sure put up one hell of a fight :).
just copy the 2 Danube_blues RFA files into your Mods/BF1942/Archives/BF1942/levels folder.
level optimised for BF1942 1.6
***** CHANGELIST *****
+ co-op mode added!!!
+ new sounds for the StuG.
+ Surfacemaps on roads, pathes etc.
+ new thumbnail picture.
***** AFEW DETAILS *****
+ Both sides have a permanent base.
+ the game starts with 3 Neutral flags and 2 permanent bases.
+ both sides have equal tickets.
+ This is conquest-headon map.
+ The Unusable defgun represents the citadel on the hill.
+ this map is optimised for conquest/CTF.
+ hide your tanks in side streets to outflank the Germans.
+ don't let everyone be sniper. optimal class = Assault.
+ don't bother climbing to the citadel. THE GUN CANNOT BE USED.
+ trying to cross the Graveyard with no armoured support is suicide.
+ Even trying to attack over large spaces will require at least 1/2 of your armoured force.
+ keep Infantry support with your tanks. they are large and bulky.
+ keep your StuGs in open spaces. they are assault guns not tanks.
+ there are lots of open windows around the hotel Gellert. I'd encourage camping.
+ in a 64 player battle there will be enemys everywhere. always leave some defenders.
+ keep strategically positioned panzerschrecks and LMGs around the graveyard.
***** NOTES *****
+ i got the map design from combat mission 2. give some thanks to them.
+ Thanks to planetbattlefield for their AI tutorials.
+ thanks to AQUILA and Razor for their skins.
+ any problems? Email: or post them at the files page.
+ enjoy!!!

           3.) Kelly's Heroes - A Battlefield 1942 map created by Gamling.
Created for Coop play.
This map features German and American forces.
There are 2 uncapturable control points (1 per side), and 4 capturable control points.
The map consists of a train yard which is capturable and starts under German control, but with the American uncapturable control point very close by means immediate action.
There is a town on the opposite side of the map from the train yard which hosts the German uncapturable point and also the town square point which is capturable.
Inbetween the town and the train yard you have open ground and there are 2 capturable points here, the farm and the sawmill.

Installation: Unzip the file. Then place Kellys_Heroes.rfa into your Battlefield 1942/Mods/bf1942/Archives/bf1942/levels folder.
Boot up the game and play. :)

Merciless Creations Mod for permission to use their textures. All textures used in this map including all Vehicles (except kettenkrad and lynx), Uniforms and some other objects such as barrels, flags and certain buildings were taken from Merciless's retextured version of Bocage. Thanks guys! ;)
(Anything not retextured is vanilla BF)
Credit also to Ben Lehman for his Botinator program.
And EA/Dice for the Battlecraft Editor and for this fantastic game!



4.) Tobruk 2 is a modified map as of the Tobruk map. Although in an alone beginning was  about to function in the mode conquers, I have prefered leave the cooperative mode for thoses that not have connection to Intenet or
whose connection is very slow.

With this map it wants to represent a true Nazi offensive on the
ally front in Tobruk during a small storm of gallstoneses.
The exchanges of posts are except evident and it is they have added many things.

  it has modified:

- The battlefield it has augmented.
- The terrain and the textures.
- it has modified the sky, and it is adds a clotting of urine for
  giving a new sensation during the game.

  it has added:

- Unit large quantity.
    * Heavy and light tanks , APC units and of reconnaissance.
    * All the airplanes of each faction and their corresponding Substructure.
    * Antiaircraft units.
- Substructures.
    * Two new bridges to facilitate the mobility.
    * A new base.
    * New buildings in the new zones.
INSTALLATION: TOBRUK2 SCORE TRANSCRIPT.RFA IN C:\..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\BF1942\Archives\bf1942\levels
Note: If you play with the GERMANS and take an enemy flag, they appear allies |tankes| and not Nazi,don´t
think that it is trade of a BUG, because I have done it of this makes up forms. I have done it so because it is trade of a
territory that in principle it is ally. If it were completely neutral, the thing changes...
In the case of the ally aerodrome, that in a beginning it is neutral, the units are Christmas bonus given to foundry workers in the Basque country units of
reinforcement. Of this makes up forms, the player will have two options to the beginning of the depart:
            Containing the enemy attack or " to reconquering " the aerodrome and count so with
            a major numbers of units.


 **** PROBLEMS ****

- This map needs a computer a more powerful little of it normal
in the if you went plays with all the graphic options to the maximum.

- Not I have been able to modify the IA for Tobruk 2, so I RECOMMEND that not capture the new base that I have created
since in that zone, the bots remained quiet during all the depart, so much for the nazi as for the allies.

If you have some problem or you have some doubt, give the orders to me Email at:

About the Map:

5.) Red Sky Map supports SP/COOP/TDM

Designed for 30 Players

This Battlefield 1942 map features German Armor vs Russian Armor on the Eastern Front.
Both teams have two control points to start, and two more control points to capture.
Most of the battle will be in open fields with some heavy bombardment to the defensive positions. Air and Artilery present will mean move it or lose it.
Some of the largest tank battles ever were in the Russian contryside early in the war.

Additional Skins made by:
 Azag-Thoth, Lt. Nagy, zmatt, Th3 Dic3ma, takiwa, AFF|Razor and Jingo

1) Unpack the .zip
2) Copy the .rfa file into your Levels directory. Default path is
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels

If you do not have Bf1942 installed at this folder, please find
the correct path and paste the .rfa file in there.
Thanks for downloading my map.
Have fun and thanks to all who helped make this game fun.

Released by:  Joe Hanson

6.) Omaha Beach Historic version 1.4
60th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings - Operation Overlord

Modes Supported:
Single Player
Areas Covered:
Point Du Hoc
Omaha Beach
Gold Beach
Loungues sur Mer
Moulins sur Mer
Vierville sur Mer
Ste. Laurent sur Mer
German Panzer Reserves and Supplys
American constructed link Airfield
German Luftwaffe Airfield

Known Issues:
Machinegun sound around beach flag may only be heard on first shot, this is in a limited area and will be removed in version 1.5.

bf1942 will sometimes stick on a sound.
bf1942 may have clipping errors in the graphics system that result in a flag appearing around the body.


try experimenting with the bot Sliders for Single Player and Co-op, these should give you the realism you are looking for. I personally play at 300-400% bots at 25%cpu for the AI. This fills the Map well and gives you a lot of action. Less is fine but doesn't give the same sense of a huge battle.

AI is VERY advanced. It should come at you from all sides in multiple ways. Usually it ends up attacking you from all sides. It is very accurate.
Tanks armor and muzzle velocity has been Increased to realistic amounts.
Some ships also have been corrected for aim.
Some friendly fire should be expected from ships, if running a server set the friendly fire at 10% should prove to be a good value.


7.) RM Pearl Harbour v2.0 Map created by PAIKAN 69 (awesome map dude).
With custom textures added from many different sources.
{Skin Type: Corsair    Author: progamer124}
Erwin's,  -=Jolly Roger-SBD-Battletorn=-
Skin: - WarLord's Historical Flagpatch V.1.1 -Author: WarLord (a.k.a. Leitwolf)
and lastly a varient of the Junker JU88 - II/LG-1 - 'Afrika korps' skin by Mantidae. (If i missed anyone I'm sorry ,hopefully I didn't)
Also added Subs and PT Boats into all game modes (CQ,Coop and Objective mode)
The self installer will extract the RM_Pearl_Harbor2.rfa  map into your default map folder (something like ...Battlefield1942/Mods/bf1942/archive/bf1942/levels/)
This map now supports: coop , conquest and objective modes.


8.) Operation Wolf is a BF1942 Conquest / Coop playable map by Gamling.

Usual install, unzip and place rfa file in your Battlefield 1942/Mods/bf1942/Archives/bf1942/levels folder, load game and play.
Thanks go to EA/Dice for a great game and a very user friendly editor, and to Ben Lehman for Botinator.

This map features Americans and Germans, each have a main uncapturable base, and there are 6 capturable flags. The map is of medium size with plenty of vehicles.

9.) Operation Sealion SP only (MP Multiplayer Conquest mode crashed):

Finally, the Operation Sealion SP is here!  There were a few things removed from the
map due to AI complications, for instance, the Germans don't have planes, and the ships
are gone.   I am hoping to get this fixed in a later release, but for now, this is the
first release of Operation Sealion with SP and Coop.

Extract the map file to your BF1942 levels folder, and the map should be ready to play.

If you have any questions or problems, e-mail me at:


10.) The Bridge - a Battlefield 1942 map By Gamling

Created for Coop play. Works in Conquest.Featuring British and German forces. One uncaptureable main base per side, one base north side of map and one south. A river runs through the centre of the map from east to west, with the main iron bridge spanning the river. There is also a small wooden footbridge that spans the river for an alternate route by infantry. At either end of the main bridge there is a small town which hosts a capturable control point. Between the base and the bridge on both sides of the river there is another capturable control point situated in a village.

Installation: Unzip the file. Then place The_Bridge.rfa into your Battlefield 1942/Mods/bf1942/Archives/bf1942/levels folder.

Boot up the game and play. :)

Credits go to:

Merciless Creations for use of textures. Textures include Soldier skins, vehicles (except lynx, Kettenkrad, spitfire and bf109), flags, barrels and certain buildings. All these textures were taken from Merciless's retextured version of Operation Market Garden. CoyotePete~tfr for his Spitfire skin. Stuka for his bf109 skin.
(Everything else including Lynx and Kettenkrad are your stock battlefield textures.)
Ben Lehman for Botinator.
FourCentsShy for his GenPathMaps Pathmapping tool.

EA/Dice for battlecraft and for a great game.


11.) Wintersturm Map!
Spiel: Battlefield 1942

Spielbar im: SP, MP, CTF and Coop Modus 

Allerdings ist der Multiplayer ungetestet.
Map by: dzeri_BiH

Der Mapper dzeri_BiH stammt aus einer traditionellen BF-1942 Community. Als wir anfingen Battlefield 1942 Online zu spielen, hatten die auf der "Battlefield 1942 Anthology Version" immer volle Server . Nach der Gamespy Abschaltung ging es erstmal steil abwärts, jedoch hat sich die Community seit diesem Jahr wieder berappelt, sodass wieder ein Kern von Spielern wieder auf dem BiH Server spielt. Nun wird allerdings im COOP Modus gespielt, was den Spielspass natürlich nicht trübt. 

Webseite und Kontaktmöglichkeit zur BiH Community:



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