Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2016

Battlefield 1918 Mini Mod: xmas 2006 + 2008 available!

The year 2016 is going to the end. Christmas knock our door and a new year is happen it calls 2017. We wish you a good time with you friends and family. We will hope you can give us your support power again to push the great modding art work in 2017 again. We need all you guys. Keep Fighting. Recruting people. This good oldschool gaming have to be keeping alive.


Here is a special for the Christmas gaming Fans, the news is created by one of the developers (cennedy1457):

Xmas1918 (Version 2008) by Cennedy1457

Now up to the really cool stuff we've promised you in the beginning. Some of you of course already know this little gem in the history of BF1918 gimmicks but some people could also be new to our business. Romantic snow sceneries have always warmed our hearts in the festive month and have brought fun and joy to the battlefield since 2006. It's even rumored that this mini-mod has brought peace on earth 2 times, cooled down the climate warming and caused the Christmas truce. So take part in a nice Slay-ride, snowball fights with your friends and foes and try to meet Santa coming to town, checking who was nauthy and nice. Get the latest version from 2008 and put it on top of your already installed BF1918 experience to sweeten up your Christmas Season

recommend Battlefield 1918 3.1: Download

Battlefield 1918 Christmas mini Mod - XMas 2006: Download    XMas 2008: Download

Please Download and share it to your friends!

Ho Ho who wants some? Non-homoerotic Slay-rides

Conclusion of the day/year

The last topic for today's news and most probably for this year from our side is a bit sad indeed. We're celebrating our first anniversary of "No News" as we've been successfully able to manage to not publish any news in the last 366 days. And there are in fact no big news to spread from our side as the modification is considered finished from a dev-team's point of view. We're peeking into the commentary section from time to time so feel free to post any issues or remarks in your personal relationship with BF1918.

Movie by: Friedrich - ex DFL-Clan

The end of the year is as usual the time for the mighty Mod Of The Year award voted by you, the plebs! We're not exspecting anything less than several homages and canonizations but for the beginning you can start with clicking on the little vote-button above and see what color it will change to. Isn't it exciting? Please don't forget us in 2017, don't forget the Battlefield 1942. We know there are lot of new games which released. But you have the choice what you loosing is lost and never comes back. The only way is to keeping alive the Battlefield 1942 modding / event community together. Good slide into the new year for you. We will hope some modding special waiting for us.

Source: moddb.com

2 Kommentare:

Strauchdieb hat gesagt…

Hi, mir ist auf der letzen LAN aufgefallen das die Xmas Versionen von 2006 und 2008 nicht mit der BF1918 3.1 vollständig kompartibel sind.
Von Abstürzen bis Fehlenden Texturen war alles dabei.
Daher habe ich jetzt 1918 3.1 für normal installiert und zusätzlich die 1918 3.0 (zwei Teile) + 1918 Xmas 2008. Diese Kombination funktioniert.


[HG] - Administrator hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank für den sinnvollen Tip Strauchdieb. Wir werden das fürs nächste mal berücksichtigen, damit alles glatt laufen kann. Denn wir wollen, das BF1918 und das gesamte geschaffene Material eine Zukunft hat und nicht irgendwann komplett aus dem Web verschwindet. Denn dafür wurde es nicht erstellt um zu verschwinden.

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