Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

SuperDC dev work blog June 2nd 2018

Today we have some small developers work (bbfplayer) from the Super DC v2.2 about the overworked hand rifles.
Overworked are the AK 47GP, AK 74 GP, Dragunov (your know from the Vietnam Mod that famous rifle)  bbfplayer have the old models replacedforthe new one.

bbfplayer have still some problems with his mod.

He need some more sources from where he could get free or pay models???

l85A2 , l86A ,UMP45 for SAS Edited.

1.) Desert Combat + Final: Download

2.) Got the "SuperDC v 2.20" (March 2017) here (Link fixed 06/2018): Download

Source: battlefieldsingleplayer.com

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