Freitag, 26. Juli 2019

Battlegroup42 developer Facebook blog 05/19

Battlegroup42 developer Facebook blog:

update on mod status May 2019
hiy guys,
i'm really sorry for this belated update, but i've been very busy with real life issues.
Over the past few weeks, even more bug reports came in, including a severe game breaking one. This bug causes the game to crash when running certain maps on dedicated servers. I won't be going into too much technical details, but i've narrowed down the bug to be related with a least one of the naval vessels.
I'm currently working on fixing this, so fingers crossed!

Update 20th May 2019
Well, that went well. I found the annoying bugs that caused some maps to crash the game when running a dedicated server. Some of the ships simply had too many turrets and/or gunbarrels, and the engine couldn't handle the amount of "networkableinfo". After some coding and removal of some of the turrets, the bug was fixed. I've already tested most of the maps featuring ships on a dedicated server, and so far every tested map runs just fine.
Also, the massive lags and framerate drops on maps like Midway and Battle for the Coral Sea seem to be gone for good! I'm not sure if those were related to the bug mentioned earlier, but it's highly likely.
I'll continue testing and get back to you 
Battlegroup42 RC4 Dec 2018 Release (five files): Download  

Battlegroup42 RC4 - Patch 1 Mar 2019: Download
Autor/developer: Sarge31FR
Mod Website:

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