Mittwoch, 20. November 2019

FinnWars 1918 (A minimod for FinnWars) v. 0.1a "Public Alpha" Release

Heute präsentieren wir euch den seit Juni 2015: click here (News von damals) vermissten Release der FinnWars 1918 v0.1a Mod. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Mod, die auf präsentiert wurde. Die Mod setzt sich mit dem Bürgerkrieg um 1918 in Finnland auseinander, als das große russische Reich zerbrach und mutige finnische Arbeiter in einem blutigen Kampf ihre nationale unabhängigkeit erstritten haben. Der Entwickler Ruuga aus Finnland arbeitete nunmehr 4 1/2 Jahre und wir freuen uns, dass er sein angekündigtes Projekt der breiten Öffentlichkeit da draussen präsentieren kann. Leider bietet die Mod keinen COOP oder Singleplayer Support. Dafür kann man die Mod Online spielen, einen Server dazu haben wir euch weiter unten angepinnt. Möglicherweise gibt es draussen jemanden, der unserer FinnWars 1918 Mod mit einem COOP/Singleplayer Kleid ergänzen kann, denke mal wenn man den Entwickler darüber unterrichtet würde er sich ebenfalls darüber freuen, denn für die FinnWars 1.82 Mod gibt es leider auch keinen COOP/Singleplayer Support.

 Pictures of the mod can be found here: click here


To play the FinnWars 1918 v0.1a Mod you need: 

1.) Battlefield 1942

2.) FinnWars 1.82: Download

3.) FinnWars 1918 v0.1a: Download or Download

4.) FinnWars 1918 v0.1b (11/19): Download
Arise, ye workers from your slumber, Arise, ye prisoners of want. For reason in revolt now thunders, and at last ends the age of cant!
FinnWars 1918 is a minimod of an older mod called FinnWars. It's based on Finnish Civil War. Finland declared independence after the fall of Russian Empire. Not soon after this, the Finnish Peoples Delegation consisting of unhappy Finnish workers, tenants and ideological socialists declared a revolution against the Finnish goverment. This mod allows you to fill the boots of a soldier from either side. You can choose to defend the goverment as a devout patriot from the White side, or if you feel a bit more disgruntled towards the bourgeois and landowners then join the side of the socialist Reds.

This mod is under development and it's currently in crude public alpha state. I've been developing this as a hobby for several years and now I have finally managed to get this mod into a state I feel comfortable publishing. It's rather rough around the edges but I will keep fixing it.

Differences to FinnWars and Battlefield 1942: 

-Two new factions: Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic (Reds) and Finnish Senate (Whites) 
-New weapons and maps 
-Redesigned GUI 
-Some new gameplay implementations 
-Focus on more realistic and slower paced gameplay

FW1918 doesn't have singlepayer- /Co-op -maps. Semi-mobile machine guns and kit limitations would never work with BF42's AI-system. This is purely a multiplayer-mod just like FinnWars.  


Extract the .zip file to your: ...EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods -folder. After that you need to delete all menu_***.rfa-files from FinnWars's folder. If this isn't done correctly the GUI-elements wont work! (A bug in BF42 I can't fix) Read the readme.txt-file for more information.

 Server: This server will close around early to mid january unless this mod gains popularity.

The mod propably has players on server during and around 6th of December 2019. This is Finnish independence day and that is the traditional day when Finnish FinnWars players gather to play FinnWars.  Feel free to give any feedback.  

Ps. Can some mod change my username to VarmaKrapula? I no longer use this current nickname anywhere.

Autor/Dev: Ruuga


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