Dienstag, 12. November 2019

Japanese Mods 2015/2019 Mixed Files.

It is a festival MOD to horseplay at Toka cherry.
To play you need the latest version of the FH body and FHSW body.


v0.9 <- b="" v0.89=""> (2011.06.04) * Unterstützt FHSW0.42 * Tweak Waffen und Schusswaffen * Ouka Ranbu hinzugefügt * Pferde hinzugefügt v0.89 <- b="" v0.88=""> (2009.12.25) * Goliath und ich war in einem Zweisitzer * Ultimative Tiger hinzugefügt * Remodeling Me323 Gigant hinzugefügt * Remodeling LCVP hinzugefügt * Remodeling Chiha ist Macht up * Torch usw. hinzugefügt * Die Iwojima ändert in der Nacht v0.88 <- b="" v0.87=""> (2009.10.31) * Die nukepack dem Piloten Kit hinzugefügt * Remodeling zusätzliche Spielzeug Typ HMS King George V (Landeplatz) * Remodeling Goliath add (Flugplatz) * Die Leistung bis die Schreie der Rinder * Veränderung ortho Feuer der normalen Ouka in Verstärkungen * Weitere kleinere Anpassungen v0.87 <- b="" v0.86=""> (2009.10.07) * Verschiedene Umbau der Arme und Waffen (für Details Umbau Waffen-Waffen-Bereich) v0.86 <- b="" v0.85=""> (2009.04.13) * Remodeling Panjang Trommel hinzugefügt * Remodeling Harley hinzugefügt * Die nuke Kirschblüten Ich war einfacher zu starten * Weitere kleinere Korrekturen v0.85 <- b="" v0.81=""> (2009.04.09) * Rate verdoppelt (Iwo Jima) * Nuke Ouka hinzugefügt * Soldat der körperlichen Fitness deutlich up * I eine längere Verweilzeit der Leiche * Die Bunker Hill ... v0.81 <- b="" v0.8=""> (2009.03.31) War es, durch die Schäden an der Rüstung * Rate (vor allem, Schwert, Kirsche, Chiha) übergeben * Cattle-Kun kam zu weinen * I in Oka Einschalten & FHSW Spezifikation war * Weitere Einstellung von Parametern v0.8 <- b="" v0.76=""> (2009.03.28) * Unterstützt FHSW * Aussehen Remodeling Rate

Guard MOD introduction

Land Guards MOD will capture the Toho special effects in the main, is the MOD was the stage the 60's and 70's.
To play you must have Forgotten Hope MOD 0.7.

Stage in the 1960s.
I met still in the midst of the "cold war" in the United States and the Soviet Union, it is also Japan serving as "the west side of the breakwater", and there was in turbulent times.
Of 10 a few years ago burnt ruins is morphed into a high-rise buildings crowded one of the world's leading cities, there is no there to see the appearance of the defeated nation Japan.

However, it did not visited never peace.

Suddenly flying the violent alien, secret society intending to overthrow the world domination, young people ...... believe the revolution
They purpose of each believe, in order to fulfill each of the responsibilities, and the banner set the ranks to hand the weapon, it has aroused the war to Japan again.

And, in order to protect Japan ...... them and confront the person
Defense personnel who were reviled that it is unconstitutional's murderer from the public to be protected takes the public and gun for the Japanese that former military personnel love in such manner,
Police officers who I must Mamorinuka the civic life from armed groups, has finally caused the hammer of the handgun.

As you defense personnel and police officers, it is multiplied by the life Will protect the Japanese people's life property?
Or, as the evil invaders, what merely to achieve its purpose?

Come on, to even script invaders in defense corps does not provide.
Scenario of offense and defense that hold sweat in hand, we all are hanging on the player of everyone.

"We escape toward the escape to! Future! And unseen, ...... such toward to the future."
──X alien control officer (in 1965 than "Invasion of Astro-Monster")

Guard Mod 3 Teile hintereinander zusammenfügen Chi-HE-RI :

Crash Hotfix:


Link zur Entwickler Seite:


 Restoration 1868 and (Tsuchinoesaru MOD) is a MOD that was subject to Boshin.

More information and developer Source:

 Official name: Hanami MOD
Author: Akhenaten Mr. author like site: Mod library
: Raoni Kunchi
Latest version: 2014/4/4

MOD introduction

MOD to enjoy Matari and cherry blossoms around OkaSaki-jo.
You can tour the castle around OkaSaki Park cherry blossoms in full bloom, or touring the stalls, you can move the train, or the parade in front of the station, you can play and how to climb to the Tower of Babel is different.
It is used primarily as a spring festival dedicated MOD.


Ohanami Mod: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B6WfWF2WlV_FbUlpZEszalE2c28&export=download

Official name: G-pack
Author: Please edit person someone know.

MOD introduction

MOD that Gundam appeared. Aka Gundam MOD.
Gouf and land gym, etc. also appear, but can be a good minute and heavy.

 Orginal Release News und Source, ihr könnt diese euch übersetzen: 



The crazy Soccer Mod:

Soccer Mod: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ZXgJjTkta4Qy1YajZQZG1uRGs/edit?usp=sharing

In football MOD, you can enjoy the football in a FPS BF1942.
How to play and rules basically unchanged from the sport of soccer, anyone I can to participate immediately.
In addition, such as soccer balls and Scoreboard is made by applying the most of the system of BF1942,
Showed the new direction of the MOD of BF1942, it can be said to be a novel MOD.
It supports multiplayer, you can expect success in sudden MOD festivals and various events.
Map you can play that currently "THE HIGHSCHOOL".
This is a map game in the middle, you can practice dribbling at the map northwest.
A team (Axis) side red bib, B team (Union) side Tsukemashou bib of blue.

BF and Trou Trou Dadada

At one point in '07 with a distinctive rhythm and lyrics caused a boom on the Internet "Tunak Tunak Tan" (aka Dadada) But,
Birthplace of the boom I have said to BF.

BF1942MOD continues stretched across the board in the 2ch-related attrition in the heyday, it boasted a cult.
In the BF players it is also a FPS player Hui Hui not uncommon Some people sing in full. In addition there is also something to be Dadada MOD, not help but Kuchizusama involuntarily a person who had been playing in real-time at that time. 
 Therefore relationship of BF and Dadada is old, it has been loved by There is also a lot of BFer be play with, such as a custom Mod festival even now.

Dadada MOD: 


Unsere japanischen Freunde sind und waren sehr produktiv in Sachen Inhalt erweiterung für unser geliebtes Spiel Battlefield 1942.

Mehr Japanische Battlefield 1942 Mods gibt es hier: 

Takeshis Castle Map für die Mod Forgotten Hope 0.7:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cnb8OzdEm48RM_LPSczmykSTi7NgkBc4/view

  Fahrender Zug für Battlefield 1942: https://twitter.com/somebody009j/status/1097870748977291264

 Fuhrpark der FHSW Landfahrzeuge als Spielbare Test Maps:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/13uUYl0iANOJgKQSkR0LS16h-U7uoKwJq/view

Interstate 82 JPN Full Pack (8,3GB):   https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=pWhe&id=1zceBMWQNsitzajRrtwleyXoJIv0QYSvd

 FHDF Mod, benötigt Forgotten Hope 0.7 zum spielen: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=xGog&id=13Z2nT1VS5ce6mbEZzhWw2_K4ySn50WCV

FHSW Map Peliliu und Pearl Harbour 2: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=18J8ZXopQ2YMhS9yzg3J4sS2IDldip3_n&export=download

Sasuke Mod: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cp-SqwTTZvCWOSd59xfl98n4oXk9WCvI/view

FHSW 0.61 JPN Test Maps: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=17Bg2qQPGr49QACw1awwxwr_pYy13lSP3&export=download


Quelle:  Twitter/kozou_bf und 1121/FHSW-Tweet

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