Freitag, 1. September 2023

Battlefield 1918 3.4 Pre-Release Trailer ist da!


Battlefield 1918 3.4 Pre-Release Trailer ist da!


Das lange warten hat ein Ende, seid Januar warteten wir auf neue Nachrichten zum v3.4 Release von Battlefield 1918.  Nun gibt es einen Pre Release Trailer der ankündigt, dass es nicht mehr allzulange dauern sollte. Viele Neuerungen warten auf euch. Neben neuen Maps, wird es neue Fahrzeuge, neue Fraktionen, neue Animationen für die Handfeuerwaffen, überarbeitete Sounds uvm geben. Macht euch bereit für das Beste Battlefield 1918, wovon die Urspünglichen Macher geträumt haben. Schon vor vielen Jahren wurde geunkt, Battlefield 1942 Modifikationen seien ausgereift und es wäre nicht mehr drin. Gerade die kleinen Entwickler mit wenig Leuten habenin den letzten Jahren bewiesen: "doch! Da geht noch mehr"! Genießt das Video und kommt wieder auf die Server. Danke an ACE1918 für die Arbeit und für die tollen Trailer, mit denen er uns seit vielen Jahren versorgt. Danke auch an die |BWT| Badewiese, FHSW-Europe und an Gunsmoke, der uns mit seinen Servern es ermöglicht 24/7, viele verschiedene Mods auf seinen Servern zu spielen. Damit wir noch lange gemeinsam Freude haben können, am Oldschool Multigaming. See you on Battlefield 1918! 

30.08 2023:

New Animations, Maps, Vehicles, And More!

Greetings everyone! It has been a while since the last update but fear not, for we the members of the Battlefield 1918 Mod Development have been at work slowly making the 3.4 update a reality. With this in mind we wish to show some of the new features that are being added with this update. To start off let's look at some of the new animations that are being added!

 Bilder zu den neuen Handwaffen Animationen:

New animations, especially for our bolt actions have been one of the most requested features by our fans (along with adding Iron Sights) as such we hope you are as excited as we are by this latest bit of news. Of course new animations are not the only thing coming in the 3.4 update so let us now look at some of the new maps arriving. First off let's look at Kosovo! Fought in November of 1915, this battle was one of the last stands made by Serbia before the great retreat through Albania. Here Serbian players can expect to conduct a similar fighting retreat in order to slow down and potentially halt the pursuing Bulgarian forces.

Bilder zu neuen Karten und Fraktionen:


While we hope this map will be another change of pace for fans it is of course not the only new map we have to announce and this is also an excellent time to look at new content being added for the Upcoming Russian Civil War Expansion as well. For a start let's talk about the Battle Of Lemberg! Fought from November of 1918 to May of 1919 this battle saw Polish and Ukrainian forces clash over the titular town of Lemberg. On this map players will see the Ukrainian forces lay siege to the city and push slowly through the streets

Of course this is not the only new map being added for the Russian Civil War either as now is an excellent opportunity to talk about the Battle Of Avratin! Set in November of 1921 this battle was a bold and desperate final attempt by the Ukrainian forces to gain independence from the Red Army. Expect a more open map that is a hybrid between a push and meeting engagement. The Red Army does hold a few CPs at the start but there are also plenty of neutral flags.

Speaking of Avratin it is now an excellent opportunity to talk about another new vehicle that players will see on this map. The Austin-Kegresse armored halftrack! This vehicle is a variant of the Austin armored car with a new turret layout along with it being converted into a halftrack. It also features a gun port in the rear so that passengers can fire on enemies that attempt to flank it.

Bild  - Last but not least, gibt es  noch ein neues gepanzertes Fahrzeug:


With these new additions it is also worth noting that those wishing to see our mod in action may do so through this latest trailer, we hope you enjoy!

Lastly it is important to discuss the release date for 3.4. We know our fans have been waiting most patiently for this latest update and the excitement has been most welcome to see. It is under this context that we must inform you that while we had intended to release the mod in August of 2023, this release date has now been moved to late September of 2023. This of course may not be the news that those who have waited and are continuing to wait may wish to hear, that said take heart for the day will come when 3.4 is finally released, and also please note that we still have plenty more to reveal in terms of maps, factions, and features. With this in mind we hope that we shall have your patience longer still while we work to make 3.4 a reality for all of you. With all of that said the Battlefield 1918 Mod Development Team would like to thank all of you amazing fans for your continued support, and we hope that you have a good day.

Server Möglichkeiten zum spielen:

Visit for the latest game server information!

Visit for the latest game server information!

Visit for the latest game server information!


1.) Battlefield 1942

2.) Battlefield 1918 v3.3: Download


Battlefield 1918 Wikia, see the History and Facts:

GB = Genießt Battlefield 1918. 
Autor: ACE1918 - "Tweet by" 1121 /akari1121aA

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