Freitag, 23. Februar 2024

Classic News: Battlefield Area-51 mod 02/13



New Tanks!!


At the moment, all that can be said for sure that is being made is a NUCLEAR MISSILE SILO nothing big. You can see a little sketch here done in the high-tech program called paint. The doors will open and close and the missile rack will elevate. The silo will have an interior will controls. The missile will be able to reach out to the whole map.
    The missile will have all the properties you want, and balance at the same time. The other team will feel its power! It does, however, have a very long reload time (some were between 3 - 5 minutes, we aren't sure yet) and starts unloaded. The silo will also be smack dab in the middle of the map, or in some venerable location. The silo could also be used on an objective map, but that sounds kinda evil.


Area 51 v2.20 - 08/23: Download


Modder Dude number 1: KingZock aka BotHunter
A dweeb-type, bugs bunny character modder with a moderate experience with computer-smashing. Although his ears are damaged from a rare accident involving a faulty program he wrote, (a friends computer started smoking resulting in fatal explosions and thus, his nonhuman looking ears.) he has little sense of  dysmorphophobia. But hey, give him a break, he made a computer destroying program....... that's gnarly dood. 

Modder Dude number 2: BadBug aka WeirdoExtream
More like Daffy duck with less knowledge and a worse sense of direction. Also has a major role in the Computer-destruction origination. his main qwerk is the rare disease he has (sumoulramicroscopicsilovolcanoconiosis) witch enables him to lose all self-respect and bounce around on his head.  but at least he's good at modding :D

Modder Dude number 3: Vilespring aka Vilespring
A sedentary type of dude-dad that has nothing better than tanks and Battlefield 1942. His affinity for tanks tracks back years, but caring is not an option because he makes mediocre code.

Official Website of the developers:



Autor/Dev: BotHunter


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