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Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

Eve of Destruction: 6th Charlie don't Surf Event 2016!

Hi Freunde der Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, es ist Juuuunii!

Nun ist es wieder soweit, Charlie ruft: "Charlie don't Surf Zeit"!
Bereits zum sechsten mal für euch in diesem Jahr, es ist Halbzeit in der Schlacht.
Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen dabei zu sein, egal ob Euer Betriebssystem Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 oder 10 heißt, "kommt zahlreich auf den hslan Server angereist"!

Freitag Abend, den 03.06.2016 um 20 Uhr geht es los, streicht es dick in Eurem Kalender oder Handy Oragnizer an.
Lasst uns das 6. Event in diesem Jahr gemeinsam auf dem HSLAN Server Feiern!

     Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51


     Port: 14567

Darüber hinaus bemühen wir uns täglich abends ab 20 Uhr mit ein paar Mann.
Also bitte nicht nur starr ans Event halten, welches monatlich jeden ersten Freitag stattfindet, sondern einfach mal abends spontan dazu kommen.

Um dabei sein zu können, benötigt ihr..... oder wenn Ihr neu seid?!

Hier ist das Eve of Destruction Vietnam Fan Paket für Euch:

1.) Basic: http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

2.) bf1942.exe Patch for finding Server extract to your "..EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942.." Folder and overwrite the old one: http://team-simple.org/download/bf1942-v1.61-retail-patched.zip

3.) Eve of Destruction 2.51 Mod, got the 5 Parts + 2.51 Hotfix: http://www.bf-games.net/downloads/category/56/eve-of-destruction.html

Wie installiere ich eine Mod? Wohin installiere ich eine Mod? Hier ein Beispiel für euch, klickt das Bild an:

So muss das dann bei Euch aussehen.

Schreibt doch mal, ob es bei Euch geklappt hat?
Und ob Ihr dabei ward?
Feedbacks sind stets auf hg-clan.blogspot.com erwünscht?

Hi friends of Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, it's Juunnneee!

Now it is happening again, Charlie calls: "Charlie don't surf time"!

Already for the 6th time this year.

Her since being invited in regardless of whether your operating system is Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 or 10 means!

Friday night, the 03.06.2016 at 08:00pm CET o'clock we go, coat it on thick in your calendar or mobile Oragnizer.
For this year let's rock that 6th Friday mainevent on hslan.
In addition, we visit the server daily in the evening from 08:00pm CET! If do you want, you can meet us with some guys there.
So please not only hold the date on the event, which takes place every first Friday monthly, come one evening you can spontaneously.

What you need to play?

1.) Basic: http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

2.) bf1942.exe Patch for finding Server extract to your "..EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942.." Folder and overwrite the old one: http://team-simple.org/download/bf1942-v1.61-retail-patched.zip

3.) Eve of Destruction 2.51 Mod, got the 5 Parts + 2.51 Hotfix: http://www.bf-games.net/downloads/category/56/eve-of-destruction.html

How i install a mod? In which path of the folder i install a have mod? Click this picture:

So, this must then look at you.

Writes some comments, if it worked for you? And if You were be there? Your Comment or Feedback is always welcome on hg-clan.blogspot.com!

Source: hslan.de

Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

Silent Heroes 1.2 - 40 Players Event Part 2!

Mit dem Motto: "Versprechen soll man nicht brechen", eröffnen wir unsere News heute. Wie ihr bereits aus unserer vorangegangenen Silent Heroes News im April 2016 erfahren habt, wird Silent Heroes gewöhnlich Dienstags ab 20 Uhr auf dem Chips Server gespielt. Leider hatte die Teilnehmerzahl in den letzten Jahren kontinuierlich abgenommen, was die Jungs von dem Silent Heroes Modern Warfare Projekt dazu bewegte wieder etwas "Pep" in die Mod zu bringen. Samstag, den 23.4 um 19 Uhr - 02 Uhr nachts war es dann soweit, der Lichtblick! Bereits am 11.4.2016 haben wir hier im HG - Blog über das Event und die Bewegung berichtet. Damals hätten wir nicht gedacht, dass 40 Leute auf den Server kommen, unsere Erwartungen wurden meilenweit übertroffen und dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Ja, doch, es ist wahr! An dem besagten Samstag Abend waren wir 40 Spieler auf dem Server und alle die, die früher an dem Dienstag Event Teilgenommen haben, waren anwesend. Wir hoffen es bleiben wieder ein paar Spieler hängen, sodass das Dienstags Event wieder mehr an Bedeutung unter der Battlefield 1942 Community gewinnt. Denn wie ihr wisst, belebt die Konkurrenz das Geschäft. Mit dem Unterschied, das WIR die Battlefield 1942 Mod Community non Profit sind! Und das ist auch gut so!


Hier ist der Download zur Mod, "Origin sei Dank", auch für Leute geeignet die sonst kein "BF 1942" spielen oder es nicht auf der Festplatte mehr haben und die neu im Spiel sein wollen.

Hol dir dein Battlefield 1942 - Silent Heroes 1.2 Fan Paket (Win7/8/10 Kompatibel):  http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

Der Clou ist, man kann alle anderen Mods die man mag dazu ergänzen, ob Desert Combat, Forgotten Hope, Battlefield 1918, oder Galactic Conquest, ihr seid frei.

Aber nun kommen wir zu den Videos, die wir Euch noch schuldig waren:

SM Wake #2





SH Wake #3

Source: hg-clan.blogspot.de

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

IS82.COM RE RELEASE + Gads challenge!!



    Got this map Sir:  Download

Unzip if necessary and put the map (file ending .rfa) in your levels folder: ..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\interstate\Archives\bf1942\levels\

Take a look inside, how the "IS 82 Devs" create a map. This map is coming along nicely, soon to be finished.
Some screenshots of the stunt-road track and the awesome reegadoraft.

Source: is82.com

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016

Battlefield 1942 "Chopper Coral" Fun Map.

Today we want to get back to the roots to present you a new Battlefield 1942 Fun Map. The Map what we want talk about is "Chopper Coral", based on the original BF 1942 "Coral Sea" Map. The information about this map gives us "bud" from the "team-simple.org" community there: click
Who is the creator of this map? We don't know it. But you have 3 flag spots. This mod is only playable in "CONQUEST" online or "create a game" menu. You have two choppers and two planes on both sides. We think it is funny to make a mix between the old and the actually war.

"Time for some Chopper carnage", bud said!

Chopper Coral for BF 1942: Download
Unzip if necessary and put the map (file ending .rfa) in your levels folder: ..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels\

Source: team-simple.org


Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

Project Reality 1942 v18a DRKEdition new Released!

We are proud about to present you as first Website and Community (http://www.hg-clan.blogspot.de/) the news and Pictures about the new amazing BF1942 v18a DRKEdition (a modification for Battlefield 1942), developed by "bluedrake42. In the new past this guy pushed the "Galactic Conquest" Multiplayer Mod very well. It is in very early stages of development. Keep track of development progress on our Discord development changes, as well as update videos on Bluedrake42’s Youtube channel. 


Enjoy the "Project Reality 1942" long long 3 hours around movie:


Currently BF1942 DRKEdition includes the entire standalone Battlefield 1942 game, as well as Mumble support provided through a launcher, and an additional Drakeling Labs community made mod inspired after the Project Reality standalone game. This mod contains 83 Maps in Conquest Mode. Some currently maps you know from the Battlefield 1942 specially Mappack, X-Pack 1 (road to Rome) and X-Pack 2 (Secret Weapons). You have no mini map anymore, you can only watch the huge map via the (m) Button. The view is only in your Vehicle view. And the weapons you have the watch from the iron sight.

We intend to expand our version of this game with ongoing content, advanced features, and general support. This will include over time, support for community made mods (such as Forgotten Hope, Galactic Conquest, Battlefield Pirates, and more) a refined launcher system with full Mumble integration, and a client autopatcher (which will allow us to automatically push new maps for events, content updates, and general patches.)


The package contains (please think about it, this package overwrite your old Battlefield 1942 installation, we work for bet a seperate Download for you):

BF1942 v1.61b
PR1942 v18a
Launcher v0050

BF1942 "PR1942 v18a" Mod DRKEdition Launcher: Download

"PR1942 v18a" only the Mod: Download

Now the map overview for you.;-)

Assault of Crete:


 Holland 44:

 Battle of Carentan:

 Battle of Cherbourg:

Leningrad, remind us on the Stalingrad map, only better now:

France Hills: 


Saint Saveur le Vicomte:

 Peliliu (BF 1942 Version):

Road to London:

We think it's a very good project, the most advantage would be have the BF1942 Online league. You have some standard vehicles there and not the big selection of the weapons like in the Battlegroup42 or FH/FHSW Mod, but you have a good new mod in the Community family, which is only developed a couple of month at the moment and it gives you a lot of hopes for the future. And if you support it, the party goes going on. After the years of development all the mods starting small and getting step by step huge, powered by the support of the fans. You'll see it by the huge Projects like Battlegroup42, Forgotten Hope, FHSW, Battlefield 1918, Eve of Destruction, SuperDC or Galactic Conquest for example. Lot of this mods starting development 2002, after release from BF 1942.  If you’re excited for this project (PR 1942), enjoy what we do, and help us to continue doing it please? Visit our community, download and play our mods. Tell your friends and share it please

Keep an eye on this page for more information and guides as we continue development. See you on the battlefield!


Source: bluedrake42.com