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Freitag, 29. Dezember 2017

BF 1942: Die Lustige Seite des Spiels! #4

Am heutigen Tag wollen wir euch die Fortsetzung Teil vier unserer Lustigen Illustrationen vorstellen. Die Charlie Hebdos der BF 1942 Community waren wieder kreativ für uns am Werk.
Der Nutzer XkonjinaX wollte Battlefield 1942 mal von der Illustren Seite beleuchten, dazu veränderte er die Ingame Bilder zum lustigen. Wir würden Vorschlagen ihr genießt die Fortsezung der Serie:

Unsere Ergänzung:

Leider haben wir bis heute noch keinen Battlefield 1942 Fan mit Fan - Shirt zum Spiel angetroffen. Vielleicht ändert sich das bald?

  Autor: XkonjinaX

Wir hoffen euch hat der vierte Teil der Lustigen Illustrationen zu Battlefield 1942 gefallen? Sollte es eine Fortsetzung geben, dann führen wir den Band für euch hier an Ort und Stelle weiter. Also bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass wir Band fünf hier bald aus der AX Community vorstellen können.

Quelle: forum.bf1942.sk

Montag, 25. Dezember 2017

Eve of Destruction 1st Charlie don't Surf Event 2018!


Hi Freunde der Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, der Jahreswechsel ist vollzogen, blicken wir positiv ins neue Jahr 2018, jetzt jeden ersten Samstag im Monat!

Wir wünschen euch allen da draussen ein gesundes neues Jahr, auf niemals endende Online Schlachten auf unserem Spiel der Spiele Battlefield 1942, der Tod ist für andere Reserviert, jedoch nicht für uns!
Nun ist bereits der erste Samstag diesen neuen Jahres im Anflug, wir laden ein das 1. "Charlie don't Surf" Event 2018 auf dem hslan Server zu celebrieren. Ab jetzt findet das Charlie don't Surf Event immer jeden ersten Samstag im Monat statt, da der Tag am Wochenende bei den Spielern am besten passt.

Denkt bitte daran, der EoD Server hat letzten Sommer die IP gewechselt, fortan muss man jetzt die IP Adresse von Hand eingeben um wieder auf den [HSLAN] EoD Server zu gelangen. Leider beheben sie es nicht, deshalb müsst ihr den Server unter euren "Favouriten" speichern. Geht rechtsoben auf "Eigene Filter", wählt die Mod "EoD" aus, macht ein "update" von eurer "Server Liste" dannach habt ihr den HSLAN EoD Server erst einmal sichtbar in der Liste. Danach müßt ihr den Server nur noch in euren "Favouriten" speichern und dann taucht der HSLAN Server jedes mal auf, wenn ihr über "Eigene Filter" euch die aktiven Server von der EoD Mod anzeigen lasst. Leider funktioniert es nur über diesen Weg.

So funktionierts:


Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen dabei zu sein, egal ob Euer Betriebssystem Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 oder 10 heißt, "kommt zahlreich auf den hslan Server angereist"!

 Movie appetizer:

Samstag Abend, den 06.01.2018 um 20 Uhr geht es los, streicht es dick in Eurem Kalender oder Handy Oragnizer an.
Macht mit uns das 1. CdS Event in diesem Jahr gemeinsam mit unserem "Donald Tump" Maskottchen auf dem HSLAN Server zum Erfolg!

     Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51


     Port: 14567

Darüber hinaus bemühen wir uns täglich abends ab 20 Uhr mit ein paar Mann.
Also bitte nicht nur starr ans Event halten, welches monatlich jeden ersten Samstag stattfindet, sondern einfach mal abends spontan dazu kommen.

Wenn ihr den hslan Server unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr gerne spenden, mit dem Verwendungszweck "Eve of Destruction Classic 2.51 hslan Server": klick hier

Hi friends of the Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, the new year 2018 is arrived, we change now the day to each first Saturday in month!

We wish you a happy new year. We hope you have the time for the first Saturday at this new year, Charlie calls:  "Charlie don't surf time"! The HSLAN Members have got changed the "Charlie don't Surf" day, from the first Friday to first Saturday in month, because it works better to play mid in the weekend. The hope is to reach more people outside for visit the HSLAN Server. We just hopy you like it? Feedbacks welcome in our comments after all News.
The EoD server changed the IP last summer, now you have to enter the Server manual, via select the Server IP and tip it inside the text box. The HSLAN Members tell us, "they don't fix it." Thats why you have to help yourself with this tutorial in easy Pictures made for you.

Thats the way to come back in 4 steps, and find back the last 3 steps:






 5.) On the next 3 steps you find your favourite Server back!




Now your are prepared for the 1st Charlie don't Surf Event 1018!

Her since being invited in regardless of whether your operating system is Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 or 10 means!

Saturday night, the 06.01.2018 at 08:00pm CET o'clock we go, coat it on thick in your calendar or mobile Oragnizer.
For this new year let's rock that 6th Friday mainevent on hslan. And we will hope to collect the power of the community.

In addition, we visit the server daily in the evening from 08:00pm CET! If do you want, you can meet us with some guys there.
So please not only hold the date on the event, which takes place every first Friday monthly, come one evening you can spontaneously.

What you need to play?

1.) Basic for the new Fans: http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

2.) bf1942.exe Patch for finding Server extract to your "..EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942.." Folder and overwrite the old one: http://team-simple.org/download/bf1942-v1.61-retail-patched.zip

3.) Eve of Destruction 2.51 Mod, got the 5 Parts + 2.51 Hotfix (don`t forget this small one): http://www.bf-games.net/downloads/category/56/eve-of-destruction.html

Come on, peak the visits on the Server up!

There we play: 

      Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51


     Port: 14567

If do you want to support the Server, you can leave a donate with the purpose of use "Eve of Destruction Classic 2.51 HSLAN Server": click here

Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2017

Interstate 82 Mod: 2017 YEAR END EVENT and new Map!

Kurz vor Weihnachten wollen wir euch zum Interstate 82 Christmas Event einladen. Startschuss wird am 23.12.2017 um 00 Uhr sein, das Event geht mindestens bis zum 24.12.2017 um 00 Uhr, von da an bis open end sozusagen. Gewöhnlich fangen die Jungs aus Amerika um 00 Uhr Nachts unserer Zeit an zu spielen. Die zum spielen benötigten Dateien haben wir euch unter der Map Liste verlinkt. Als besonderes Schmankerl gibt es die neue Life N Death Interstate 82 Nacht Map für euch. Erstellt wurde die Map von dem Spieler Moss und Goto. Ziel ist es der schnellste ganz oben zu sein, wer jetzt denkt das geht ganz schnell, der täuscht sich. Der weg nach oben ist mit fallen bestückt und jeder Fehler wird damit bestraft, dass ihr wieder von vorne anfangen müsst mit eurem Fahrzeug bis ganz nach oben zu klettern. Wenn ihr die Jungs von Interstate 82 unterstützen wollt, dann schaut mal drüben auf IS82.com vorbei: click here neue Spieler, Mapper und Nutzer sind herzlich willkommen. 


Christmas Map Play List:


1.)  Download Interstate 82 mod

2.) Download: EVENT MAP PACK

 A New interstate 1982 map from a kiwi.* Ranked Mayhem & qualifies as the 139th Cookie! 


Download the new Map (created by the player Moss and Goto):  LIFE N DEATH

Frohe Weihnachten, einen guten rutsch ins neue Jahr 2018 und ein besinnliches Weihnachten 2017 wünscht euch der HG-Blog!!!
Wir hoffen euch auch 2018 mit tollen News aus der Battlefield 1942 Modding Szene versorgen zu können. Aber dazu brauchen wir jeden Mann, Spieler, Modder, Rekrutierer, Server Hoster und Artikel Schreiber! Ihr könnt alle mithelfen, dass wir positiv im Gespräch sind und relevant für die Spieler da draussen in der Welt bleiben. Hierzu sind die ganzen neuen Medien, wie Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube, vk, reddit z.B. sehr hilfreich. Danke für eure Unterstützung 2017, wir hoffen ihr bleibt uns und auch Battlefield 1942 im neuen Jahr 2018 treu. Auf bald hier im Blog oder auf dem Server.


Source: is82.com

Montag, 18. Dezember 2017

Warfront 2.3 the Patch is here! #9

WarFront the 2.3 Patch is here.

After a couple of news ago, the new Warfront Patch 2.3 is delivered by the developer "takiwa". If do you install Warfront, you need only the 2.3 Patch, previous Patches you didnt need anymore. If do you find some bugs or fails or want to get in contact to the developer "takiwa", you can post it on the linked topic, at the end of the news. We just hope you enoy this since month of intensive in work World War 2 mod.

Ok, guys and gals, the 2.3 Patch is finally here! There is a lot of new content, and a lot of fixes and tweaks, so without further delay...the changelog :)

WarFront v2.3 Changelog
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Allied heavy tank spawn in Operation_Luttich
Fixed SinglePlayer neutral tank spawns in Operation_Luttich
Fixed Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet collisions
Fixed wreck mesh for KV-2 (was using KV-1 wreck mesh)
Fixed Stationary_Dp iron sight
Fixed Sturmovik lower aileron texture
Fixed setInput AI error with BT7/BT7A
Fixed Gewehr43 AI code
Fixed a rotation bug with some of the stationary machine guns
Fixed 1st and 3rd person positions of M1Carbine and M1A1
Fixed AI pathing issue with Corregidor map
Fixed Hetzer wheel overlap
Fixed Hetzer muzzle flash position
General Changes:
Changed several file structures within the mod (hence the full .rfa's, as opposed to the .001 nomenclature)
Tweaked several textures
Tweaked AI for several land vehicles
Added all new vehicles to all landrepair buildings
Coded new camera shake for all tank guns and at guns
Removed all Batteries from mod (Priest, Sexton, Wespe, Su76...for the time being)
Removed No4Bayonet from US_Rifle_Assault class (replaced with KnifeAllies)
Adjusted damage for bomb projectiles
Adjusted damage for Panzerfaust projectiles
Adjusted damage for 105mm H.E. projectiles
Increased RepairPack mag size (amount of repair)
Decreased RepairPack roundOfFire (speed of repair)
Decreased RepairPack reloadtime (how fast repair time generates)
Increased explodeNearEnemyDistance of Flak38 projectile
Jap_Officer gets Type100-40, loses Nambu pistol
Jap_Officer44 gets Type100-44, loses Nambu pistol
Re-modeled Sdkfz222 turret LODs (2 & 3) to prevent cage from disappearing
Re-modeled FW190-F bomb mounts
Re-modeled all Sherman and variant suspensions to correctly line up wheels
Added more model detail to existing Panzer III Ausf. J mesh
Packed all missing static objects into the Prokhorovka map (running from Objects)
Added campaign map list for Single Player
Added plane spawns on Aberdeen map
Adjusted minimum damage and minimum damage distance for all land vehicles¹
Adjusted spawn times for US planes on Oahu²
Vehicle/Weapon/Model Additions:
Added wfsandbag_c_m1 to mod
Added sandbunk_m1 to mod
Added sandbunk_net_m1 to mod
Added Type 100/40 to mod
Added Type 100/44 to mod
Added JS2 (IS2) to mod
Added 47mm Type1 AT Gun to mod
Added 6pdr AT Gun to mod
Added 57mm M1 AT Gun to mod
Added Pak36 to mod
Added ZiS-2 to mod
Added 37mm M1939 AA Gun to mod
Added Crusader Mk.I to mod
Added Panzer II Ausf. F to mod
Added Marder II to mod
Added Matilda II to mod
Added T26 to mod
Added Mig-3 to mod
Added Sherman IC Firefly to mod
Added M4A1 Sherman to mod
Added M4A1(76)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(75)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(76)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(105) Sherman to mod
Added M5A1 Stuart to mod
Added Panzer IV Ausf. G to mod
Added Panther Ausf. D to mod
Added Panther Ausf. G to mod
Replaced existing Panther Ausf. A mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Tiger I mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Stug III Ausf. G mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing M10 Wolverine mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing M36 Jackson mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Churchill mesh with new model/texture
Converted Maps (with SinglePlayer mode):
Hurtgenwald (conversion of a map by an unknown author)
Santa Cruz (conversion of a map by an unknown author)
The Road to Paris (conversion and rename of French Hills, a map by an unknown author)
Crossing the Merderet (conversion and rename of Merderet, a map by ReLo@d, with AI by GreenBud)
D-Day (conversion of a map by Ryham)
Rostov (conversion of a map by an unknown author, AI by Hamburger Hill)
Remagen (conversion of SP add-on by Hamburger Hill)
Operation Merkur (conversion of a map by Nemesis & Rickochet, with Merciless Creations texture add-on)
Operation Crusader (conversion of a map by Lt.Havoc and Fritz, AI by DACV)

Sub Notes:
¹ This value was adjusted using the max/min penetration values of the gun. For example, the 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 (Panzer III Ausf. J) has a max penetration of 73mm @ 100m (rounded to 70mm) and a min penetration of 26mm @ 2000m (rounded to 25mm). The min penetration here is 1/3 of the max, so the MinDamage is calculated at 0.33*. The distances, like the shell velocities, have been cut in half to reflect map sizes, so the DistToStartLoseDamage is 51m, and the DistToMinDamage is 1000m. For the guns that I was unable to find both a min and max penetration value, these values were estimated based on guns of similar caliber and shell velocity.
* When a projectile hits a collision, the angle of the armor is not taken into account for the penetration, but rather for the damage. If you are aiming at a sloped armor profile in real life, the "effective thickness" of the armor would increase dramitically. In BF1942, however, a matId of 50mm (for example) will be 50mm no matter what angle the armor is presented. The angle the projectile hits the armor is used as a damage modifier, with a higher degree of angle doing less damage...but still penetrating, nonetheless. Conversely, I would not want to assign the "effective thickness" of the armor to the matId, because again, at any angle, this would be the thickness used to calculate penetration. This is why some guns pen armor that they would normally not be able to in real life, but I have tried to counter this effect by adjusting the damage values. Still, this system lends itself well to the strategy of getting closer to do more damage, and angling your tank to take less damage when shot. Also, knowing which parts of the tank are vunerable to which caliber of shells, and what gun the enemy is shooting, is also critical for survival in WarFront.
² The planes and soldier spawns on Oahu are linked to the ship/hangar objectives; when these are destroyed, you will lose the spawns points and planes. I have decreased the spawn time on the planes slightly to get more US planes in the air, although historically there were not many that got airborne that day. As far as the bots flying the planes, I did not code the AI for this map, and will not be changing that code. I believe the priority for the AI is to defend by manning AA guns in and around the bases, rather than flying.

And just to wet your appetite, here are a few screens of some of the new models in this version...
First, the M10 Wolverine gets a face-lift...

Next, it's big brother, the M36 Jackson gets one as well...

A new version of the Panzer III, the Ausf. E, has been spotted in North Africa...

The venerable Stug III Ausf. G finally gets a much-needed new model...

The Brits get some heavy tank love in the form of the Churchill...

And the Americans get upgraded from the M3 Stuart to the new M5A1 Stuart, with remote operated machine gun...

Please post a comment there on moddb.com to the developer "takiwa"click here

These are just a few of the many changes that await you with the 2.3 Patch, so what are you waiting for?

Warfront v2.0 (WW2) 07/2017: Download

Warfront v2.3 Patch 10/2017 (requesting): Download


 Autor: takiwa (Warfront developer)

 Source: moddb.com

breaking news.....


1.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 full Windows 7/8/10 support, you have the choose between the only one installer or the old 3 Parts installer compatible to Win XP:  Download (Win7/8/10) or Download  (Win XP only)

2.) FHC Interface: Download

3.) BLOODY SCREEN + LOW HP:  Download

Installation: Battlefield 1942/Mods/FH/Archives/ (paste menu_001.rfa here)

3.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 - Famous Bratwurst + Texture Patch "22.Sep 2015": Download

4.) FHSW 0.61 + more: Download's

5.) FHSW 0.61 Mappack Part 1: Download

 Source: fhsw-europe.com

Mittwoch, 13. Dezember 2017

Warfront 2.3 Release sighted soon #8


2.3 Update

Takiwa the developer of the Warfront Mod is actually in map-testing at the moment, so he hope to be able to release the patch this coming weekend. Until then, here are a few screens of a new addition to the 'Front...air power over Operation Aberdeen!





Warfront v2.0 (WW2) 07/2017: Download

Warfront v2.2 Patch 08/2017 (requesting): Download

Thats for now, the day of Warfront Mod Release is not also far away. So stay tuned.

Autor: takiwa

Source: moddb.com

breaking news...... 


We want to invite you to the eastern front theatre Forgotten Hope 0.7 Mod

Christmas Stalingrad Event!

! Present and during by the Pixel Fighter Community!


Stalingrad XMass-Event
Downloadlinks for Custom-Maps:

Autor: -=PFC=- Kampfsau
Source: pixel.fighter.com

Samstag, 9. Dezember 2017

BF 1942 Custom Map Release: Invasion Of Britain, Batttle Zeppelins!

We are happy to present the release of the Battle Zeppelin Map for your Battlefield 1942 Game as special custom map. Now its possible to fight with a big battle Zeppelin in the BF 1942 Vanilla, you have only seen Zeppelins before on the BF 1942 Mod Battlefield 1918. This Map is create by "KingSquirrel" from the moongamers.com and some helping hands around the community which creating content for the BF 1942 Vanilla and Mods, you can see the credits in this news.

This is the second map in the Battle Zeppelin Map Series. This is an early release and is still technically in Beta (released early for the holidays). In Invasion of Britain the allies have stolen the plans for the BZ900 and now, with zeppelins of their own, must defend against the AXIS invasion. This is the first map to feature Battle Zeppelin to Battle Zeppelin combat!  

Manual Install (Beta Version)  

No other mods required to play. Currently intended for Multiplayer Conquest game mode only.  

1. Download the Invasion of Britain BETA.zip file  

2. Unzip and place Invasion of Britain BETA.rfa into your BF1942 maps folder. The path will look similar to this: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels  

Credits: Rotor Head, King of the Squirrels, Dnamro, Professor Smith, Christine and CoffeeAssassin. In addition to the BF1918 team.

 You may have seen or heard about the Battle Zeppelins.  Now finally, they are ready to play!  These two Custom Maps have been added to the traditional maps running in a Christmas rotation!

  Yes, BOTH of them, and they are available via map vote for those who download and join the backup Moongamers server! 

A Multi-Installer was crafted for your convenience.  It will Install

- Invasion of Britain - NEW
- Grand Theft Zeppelin - NEW
- Santaland - A complete mod
- Sheeperdeen - A custom map
- Stonehenge - A custom map

Moongamers 2017 Maps: Download

The first release in the Battle Zeppelin Map Series.In Grand Theft Zeppelin Axis forces are near completion of a new super weapon, the Battle Zeppelin 900!

Your aim on this map is:
ALLIES: Capture the secret axis base where the battle zeppelin is being built.  
AXIS: Defend the base at all costs! Edit: Currently intended for Multiplayer Conquest mode only.  

Manual Install (Version: 1.0)  

1. Download the Moongamers2017.exe file  

2. Unzip and place Grand Theft Zeppelin.rfa and Invasion of Britain.rfa into your BF1942 maps folder. The path will look similar to this: 

C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Archives\bf1942\levels  

There you install the Santaland Mod (Christmas Fun Mod):
C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\Mods\
Credits: Rotor Head, King of the Squirrels, Dnamro, Professor Smith. In addition to the BF1918 team.

Grand Theft Zeppelin: Download

Were looking for people to help finished the Project by Christmas. 

Were looking for Ai support and people with coding. Anyone willing to help drop us a line here ot my direct modding email. Tssquirrel@gmail.com

Our previous news about the start of this secret moongamers project we link it here for you: click

Autor: KingSquirrel, Posi

Source: moddb.com, bfmods.com, moongamers.com

breaking news....... 

We will be hosting a Galactic Conquest event on December 16th, 2017 at 11pm PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET.
The server is already running Galactic Conquest version 8.2, so join in and get some practice before the event starts! You can download the files on our GC page.
Join us on our Discord (link on the right) to join on the voice-chat during the event.
Spread the word!


Date: Saturday, 16th December 2017

Time: 11am PST/ 2pm EST / 7pm GMT / 8pm CET

Server: GC.1942MODS.COM


Galactic Conquest 8.1 (Jan 2015): Download

Galactic Conquest 8.2 Level - Patch Aug 2017 (requesting GC 8.1): Download

Galactic Conquest Redux 0.96 (SP only) Sep 2015: Download

Galactic Conquest Redux Patch 0.96a Nov 2015: Download


Autor: Reegad

Source: 1942mods.com