WarFront the 2.3 Patch is here.
After a couple of news ago, the new
Warfront Patch 2.3 is delivered by the developer
"takiwa". If do you install Warfront, you need
only the 2.3 Patch, previous Patches you didnt need anymore. If do you find some bugs or fails or want to get in contact to the developer
"takiwa", you can post it on the linked topic, at the end of the news. We just hope you enoy this since month of intensive in work
World War 2 mod.
Ok, guys and gals, the 2.3 Patch is finally here! There is a lot of
new content, and a lot of fixes and tweaks, so without further
delay...the changelog :)
WarFront v2.3 Changelog
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Allied heavy tank spawn in Operation_Luttich
Fixed SinglePlayer neutral tank spawns in Operation_Luttich
Fixed Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet collisions
Fixed wreck mesh for KV-2 (was using KV-1 wreck mesh)
Fixed Stationary_Dp iron sight
Fixed Sturmovik lower aileron texture
Fixed setInput AI error with BT7/BT7A
Fixed Gewehr43 AI code
Fixed a rotation bug with some of the stationary machine guns
Fixed 1st and 3rd person positions of M1Carbine and M1A1
Fixed AI pathing issue with Corregidor map
Fixed Hetzer wheel overlap
Fixed Hetzer muzzle flash position
General Changes:
Changed several file structures within the mod (hence the full .rfa's, as opposed to the .001 nomenclature)
Tweaked several textures
Tweaked AI for several land vehicles
Added all new vehicles to all landrepair buildings
Coded new camera shake for all tank guns and at guns
Removed all Batteries from mod (Priest, Sexton, Wespe, Su76...for the time being)
Removed No4Bayonet from US_Rifle_Assault class (replaced with KnifeAllies)
Adjusted damage for bomb projectiles
Adjusted damage for Panzerfaust projectiles
Adjusted damage for 105mm H.E. projectiles
Increased RepairPack mag size (amount of repair)
Decreased RepairPack roundOfFire (speed of repair)
Decreased RepairPack reloadtime (how fast repair time generates)
Increased explodeNearEnemyDistance of Flak38 projectile
Jap_Officer gets Type100-40, loses Nambu pistol
Jap_Officer44 gets Type100-44, loses Nambu pistol
Re-modeled Sdkfz222 turret LODs (2 & 3) to prevent cage from disappearing
Re-modeled FW190-F bomb mounts
Re-modeled all Sherman and variant suspensions to correctly line up wheels
Added more model detail to existing Panzer III Ausf. J mesh
Packed all missing static objects into the Prokhorovka map (running from Objects)
Added campaign map list for Single Player
Added plane spawns on Aberdeen map
Adjusted minimum damage and minimum damage distance for all land vehicles¹
Adjusted spawn times for US planes on Oahu²
Vehicle/Weapon/Model Additions:
Added wfsandbag_c_m1 to mod
Added sandbunk_m1 to mod
Added sandbunk_net_m1 to mod
Added Type 100/40 to mod
Added Type 100/44 to mod
Added JS2 (IS2) to mod
Added 47mm Type1 AT Gun to mod
Added 6pdr AT Gun to mod
Added 57mm M1 AT Gun to mod
Added Pak36 to mod
Added ZiS-2 to mod
Added 37mm M1939 AA Gun to mod
Added Crusader Mk.I to mod
Added Panzer II Ausf. F to mod
Added Marder II to mod
Added Matilda II to mod
Added T26 to mod
Added Mig-3 to mod
Added Sherman IC Firefly to mod
Added M4A1 Sherman to mod
Added M4A1(76)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(75)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(76)W Sherman to mod
Added M4A3(105) Sherman to mod
Added M5A1 Stuart to mod
Added Panzer IV Ausf. G to mod
Added Panther Ausf. D to mod
Added Panther Ausf. G to mod
Replaced existing Panther Ausf. A mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Tiger I mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Stug III Ausf. G mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing M10 Wolverine mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing M36 Jackson mesh with new model/texture
Replaced existing Churchill mesh with new model/texture
Converted Maps (with SinglePlayer mode):
Hurtgenwald (conversion of a map by an unknown author)
Santa Cruz (conversion of a map by an unknown author)
The Road to Paris (conversion and rename of French Hills, a map by an unknown author)
Crossing the Merderet (conversion and rename of Merderet, a map by ReLo@d, with AI by GreenBud)
D-Day (conversion of a map by Ryham)
Rostov (conversion of a map by an unknown author, AI by Hamburger Hill)
Remagen (conversion of SP add-on by Hamburger Hill)
Operation Merkur (conversion of a map by Nemesis & Rickochet, with Merciless Creations texture add-on)
Operation Crusader (conversion of a map by Lt.Havoc and Fritz, AI by DACV)
Sub Notes:
¹ This value was adjusted using the max/min
penetration values of the gun. For example, the 5 cm KwK 38 L/42 (Panzer
III Ausf. J) has a max penetration of 73mm @ 100m (rounded to 70mm) and
a min penetration of 26mm @ 2000m (rounded to 25mm). The min
penetration here is 1/3 of the max, so the MinDamage is calculated at
0.33*. The distances, like the shell velocities, have been cut in half
to reflect map sizes, so the DistToStartLoseDamage is 51m, and the
DistToMinDamage is 1000m. For the guns that I was unable to find both a
min and max penetration value, these values were estimated based on guns
of similar caliber and shell velocity.
* When a projectile hits a collision, the angle of the armor is not
taken into account for the penetration, but rather for the damage. If
you are aiming at a sloped armor profile in real life, the "effective
thickness" of the armor would increase dramitically. In BF1942, however,
a matId of 50mm (for example) will be 50mm no matter what angle the
armor is presented. The angle the projectile hits the armor is used as a
damage modifier, with a higher degree of angle doing less damage...but
still penetrating, nonetheless. Conversely, I would not want to assign
the "effective thickness" of the armor to the matId, because again, at
any angle, this would be the thickness used to calculate penetration.
This is why some guns pen armor that they would normally not be able to
in real life, but I have tried to counter this effect by adjusting the
damage values. Still, this system lends itself well to the strategy of
getting closer to do more damage, and angling your tank to take less
damage when shot. Also, knowing which parts of the tank are vunerable to
which caliber of shells, and what gun the enemy is shooting, is also
critical for survival in WarFront.
² The planes and soldier spawns on Oahu are linked to the ship/hangar
objectives; when these are destroyed, you will lose the spawns points
and planes. I have decreased the spawn time on the planes slightly to
get more US planes in the air, although historically there were not many
that got airborne that day. As far as the bots flying the planes, I did
not code the AI for this map, and will not be changing that code. I
believe the priority for the AI is to defend by manning AA guns in and
around the bases, rather than flying.
And just to wet your appetite, here are a few screens of some of the new models in this version...
First, the
M10 Wolverine gets a face-lift...
Next, it's big brother, the
M36 Jackson gets one as well...
A new version of the
Panzer III, the Ausf. E, has been spotted in North Africa...
The venerable
Stug III Ausf. G finally gets a much-needed new model...
The Brits get some heavy tank love in the form of the
And the Americans get upgraded from the
M3 Stuart to the new
M5A1 Stuart, with remote operated machine gun...
Please post a comment there on moddb.com to the developer "takiwa": click here
These are just a few of the many changes that await you with the 2.3 Patch, so what are you waiting for?
Warfront v2.0 (WW2) 07/2017: Download
Warfront v2.3 Patch 10/2017 (requesting): Download
Autor: takiwa (Warfront developer)
Source: moddb.com
breaking news.....
1.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 full
Windows 7/8/10 support, you have the choose between the only one
installer or the old 3 Parts installer compatible to Win XP: Download (Win7/8/10)
or Download (Win XP only)
2.) FHC Interface: Download
3.) BLOODY SCREEN + LOW HP: Download
Installation: Battlefield 1942/Mods/FH/Archives/ (paste menu_001.rfa here)
3.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 - Famous Bratwurst ♫ + Texture Patch "22.Sep 2015": Download
4.) FHSW 0.61 + more: Download's
5.) FHSW 0.61 Mappack
Part 1: Download
Source: fhsw-europe.com