A 3D game engine for games like Battlefield
A 3D game engine for games like Battlefield (other types of games may be supported via editing the game DLL).
What has been done:
- The backbone for the template system: you can now edit the object parameters, add new object templates, then add these objects to the map (currently through the features.ini file in the Levels/ folder). The object templates are placed in the Data/ folder. Currently only a small set has been implemented: you can add static objects (trees, stones), also you can construct simple hierarchies (which are not yet simulated, and unable to move). The tank in the plain view at the level start is an example (you can find its data in Data/Objects/Vehicles/Stuart/). The template system is a bit more complicated than that of Battlefield, as you can notice, but I think it will also give more flexibility. I'm planning more things to do here, like for example the inverse kinematics: where you can have, for example, the moving parts of a construction connected in the form of or a rhomboid (or a triangle with a plunger, see below) (which you couldn't have in BF1942/2). This may be especially convenient for things like artillery (where you can have moving parts connected in multiple points):
TE2 (June 26 2024).zip: Download
Screenshots and videos:
What's next?
- Probably the vehicles. I'll try to make them moving in the next release. I'm not sure if it will be the tank tracks yet (this is a serious matter to do), but the wheeled ones quite maybe.