BF1942: Gunner's Mod A game like Battlefield
People have already seen that I posted here a project called "An engine for games like Battlefield". The truth is that the engine was initially started for a game which had to be a logical continuation of this mod (Gunner's Mod), because the original engine couldn't provide me with everything I needed for what I wanted to do. So, what was the game about? As the title says it's a game like Battlefield.. But also it would have Red Orchestra (and also some more modern titles like HLL and PostScriptum) vibes (in regards to that it would be a more hardcore game (but not too hardcore, like PS)). Like for example it would have separate seats for the gunner and driver (so that if you're driving a tank alone, be prepared to switch positions quickly). It would of course impact the dynamics, but I think that vehicles in Battlefield games are way too overpowered..
Other features:
- Vehicle crew damage (if armor gets penetrated then the damage goes not only to the vehicle but also the crew members)
- Vehicle part damage and repair (a tank track for example can be shot by some smaller caliber weapon, and the tank will not be able to move until the crew repairs it)
- Random control points (the control point positions can be randomized per game)
- The control points should be linked in chains so that you can capture only connected points
- Sheer variety of non-mechanized equipment that can be towed (or carried): artillery, mortars, machine guns, etc.
- More customization to kits (can select items on the kits)
- Dense forests and foliage, higher aircraft ceiling, radars, and more..
In overall the game should have been more infantry centered, so that the vehicles are more like an (useful) addition but not the main players (I hate games like WarThunder to be honest).
As I don't have a lot of resourced, so it should have been something really simplistic, with very basic models and not a lot of variety (at least at first). Not AAA for sure (maybe something like Battle Rush or even more sketchy).
Gunner's Mod v1.12a-2 (01/20): Download
Would like to know what the community thinks about it.
Autor: modmkr