Heute wollen wir euch die auf die beiden neuen Maps Easter (Sniperjack) und Spiral to Hell Final (GoodDayToDie) aufmerksam machen. Die Maps erschienen kürzlich auf der is82.com Webseite. Wenn ihr jetzt sagt Sniperjack, "den Namen habe ich schonmal in der Battlefield 1942 Welt gehört", dann sagen wir: "Ja, da liegt ihr vollkommen richtig!" Sniperjack hat bereits an den Projekten Siege Medival War und im Team von Desert Combat Global Front als Mitentwickler mitgewirkt. Nach rund sieben Jahren abstinenz meldet sich der verlorene Sohn mit einer neuen Osterfest Map zurück Diesmal als Mapper für die Interstate 82 Mod. Dagegen hat GoodDayToDie eine spotane Ausrichtung der Überraschung ausgewählt. In der neuen Easter Map stehen euch mehr als 40 modifizierte Waffen und Fahrzeuge zur Auswahl. Spannende Stunt Rennen und Panzerschlachten erwarten Euch auf der anspruchsvollen Rennstrecke.

By the last of the top six photos in the Jeep, become men wishes come true.
Easter is a new map by is82.com's own Sniperjack!
Ready for download and already on the server!
Get your easter madness on with this epic map of epic proportions!
Spiral to Hell Final:

1.) The Basic: Download
2.) Interstate 82 Paket: Download
3.) Easter Map 2017: Download
4.) EasterV2 Map 2017 updated: Download
5.) ....news update... GoodDayToDie new Map Spiral to Hell Final: Download
zu 3+4.) Unzip if necessary and put the map (file ending .rfa) in your levels folder: ..\Battlefield 1942\Mods\Interstate\Archives\bf1942\levels\
Willkommen zurück in der Battlefield 1942 Welt Mr. Sniperjack. Schön dich in unseren Reihen wiederzusehen.
The second Part of the Interstate 82 News deals with a graphics update, but warning, it doesnt works perfect. We give you the advice to keep a backup of your Interstate 82 files, if do you get any errors. But before you can test, the guy "e107" from the is82 Community have to upload the files for you again.
When he was looking for LFS mods yesterday, he found out someone made a bloom/motionblur/reflection mod for GTA Vice City, which also worked with LFS (Live For Speed).
He gave it a try and it was really nice, but then somebody said it worked with lots of games, so the first thing he did was try it with BF1942.
He've tweaked the settings a lot, the dll comes with a config file so you can make it as nice as you want, he've had water reflections to work in BF1942, but it wasn't as nice as he thought (He could see his own plane in the water when he flew above it).
There are a few screenshots below, be sure to check them out!
It doens't work 100% work with IS82 yet, but you can get it to work by joining the server through xfire, because the IS82 menu doesn't work with this dll.
Place these two files in your BF1942 root directory (X:/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield 1942/)
Press Shift + Backspace ingame to activate/deactivate the plugin.

The Download for the BF 1942 Graphics Update (for the Interstate 82 Mod) is sadly down. The upload guy "e107" didn't move after an upload request from the community. Mediafire is a Filehoster which delete your files after 60 or 90 days without Download. Sometimes it didn't works with the agreement from the provider together. Here the original post and Download dead Source: click here
Last but not least, a little bit sense of humor made by is82.com munity:

Source: is82.com
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