Heute wollen wir den Modern Warfare Fans von Battlefield 1942 neues aus der Desert Combat Welt berichten (SuperDC). Dazu gibt es schon neun veröffentlichte Punkte, die laut dem Entwickler "bbfplayer" in SuperDC überarbeitet werden sollen. Den Plan haben wir hier unten angepinnt:
Hello. I took some rest from superdc editing and now i will continue .Desweiteren haben wir ein Community feedback und Wunschliste für euch hier unten eingefügt:
I would like to do the following in this mod:
1) more maps as always
2) more special kits with new abilities
3) sea maps and sea battles (hard for me , but i think its possibale)
4) vietnam maps (for now mixing files cases crash but i will continiue to try)
5) huds for tanks and inf. vech.
6) smoke defends ore smokeeffect to tanks and heatdefend to air units(i am not sure but i will try)
7) more units, some material changes (i think i find working simple program to change material id)
8) more water testures.
9) more effects (from old mods and vietnam i think), Author: "bbfplayer"
Hi bbfplayer! i have a lot of problems in Super DC v2.2 and some suggestions too!
1- Almost maps is crashing during loading and in gameplay e.g when i change team and get some vehicle the game crash do make my game freeze ... I think could be my OS Windows 10 if someone is having the same problem and know how to solve it please post here!
2- In Operation Market Garden can you improve russian air defense in main base Tungunska is very recommended, because russian bots fire only machine gun from Kashtan and the russian anti aircraft spawn very close to american flags... bots who fly A-10, F117 kill me sometimes lol. My suggestion for kashtan and every AA is recommend to you unlimited ammo. Igla, Stinger or SA-7 is very welcome for both teams.
3- Mig-31 out of control in flight and when i change the seat to bomber position.
4- Increase the amount of artillery vehicles rockets please i love Smerch and russian artillery!
5- If possible, improve the angle of the camera and the fall of bombs to be more effective on targets
6- Air Raid v2 russian spawn point could be more close to main base and planes...
I have wish list to see in your mod vehicles from Armored Kill BF2 mod
I already downloaded the mod and i didn't find any seeders on thepiratebay!
I know it's too early to do a bug report, this mod when it's ready will be like having a dream come true! Author: Brian Horrocks
Wer Lust hat Modern Warfare Luft in Battlefield 1942 zu schnuppern oder einfach die beste Desert Combat Mod ever spielen möchte, sollte sich den Download nicht entgehen lassen!
1.) Desert Combat 0.7 (Requested to play): Download
2.) SuperDC v2.2 link: https://yadi.sk/d/hsQ_JcDj3EF4f8
Alternate Torrent link: click here
Der SuperDC v2.20 Server ist fast rund um die Uhr geschaltet und läuft im COOP Modus, dort erwarten euch spannende Gefechte an abwechslungsreichen Fronten. Seid mit dabei und schlagt die Battlefield 1942 Modern Warfare Schlacht für euch, egal ob im Panzer Leopard, Abrams, Leclerc, Challenger, Type 98 oder T-90!
Breaking News........ FHSW 14th May 2017 Event!

1 Kommentar:
Super Bilder mach wieder so
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