Alles Zeichen stehen auf einem zwischen Schritt bei SuperDC. Die neuen Änderungen in der Mod erfordern einen Beta Test. Sodass die Mod wieder in einen Demo Modus geht. Name der Testversion soll v2.21 sein. Der potentielle Vorbote, vor dem v2.30 Release. Aufgeschoben ist somit nicht aufgehoben.
Zum aufwärmen fangen wir mit einem kleinen paar Sekunden Trailer zum fertig gebastelten Test Wasser zum Testen an. Anlässlich der angespannten politischen Lage fühlten wir uns bei dem vorgestellten Map Szenarion an die Stationierung deutscher Truppen im Bündis der Nato (2017) welche nur 15 Minuten Fussmarsch entfernt zum russischen Boden stationiert sind erinnert. Wie damals als die Mod Desert Combat am 11 Sptember 2002 erschien, genau ein Jahr nach dem Terror Anschlag auf die zwillingstürme des World Trade Centers in Manhattan New York.
Hier gehts zum SuperDC Wassertest:
Developer (bbflplayer) Statement:
- SDC Cliffs of Insanty - this map crashed in Conquest and COOP Mode.
- SDC City Streets - only Conquest the mode works. The COOP crashed.
- SDC Battle of the Sky - On the Afghanistan Commando Kit in the Mainbase "Helmet Kit", if i throw the Box these pop not to AA or what they is.
- On the Box Commando Kit the 6th postion "Artellerie Gun" didnt shoot after pop up. Same error i found out on the SDC Brest Map by the Russians, the same kit. But the US and Euroforces "Artellerie Gun" (BF 2 ported one) works fine like usual in the previous SDC releases.
- The Commando Kit with the Paratroopers Branding didnt works too. I throw the grenade the signal effects works but the support not comming. I think this feature works on the previous SuperDC v2.07 or 2.1 before.
- SDC Beach Party - No Spawnpoint for the US paratroopers, because the mobile planes dont bet a start in the game. I saw only Thunderbolts in the air, that could be the mistake for this map? That why the Spawnpoint for the Paratroopers not work? I saw on the FH or FHSW Mod one seat planes stand up in the air without move or they circling move in the air and you can take the seat and fly after then the plane starts. But you can took Helicopters instead of the Thunderbolt for example or Transport Planes for the US Paratroopers against the Chinese Forces on the Ground?
I 'll check it a bit later.
-Is it possible to let the ladder tilt to the wall for can use it better?
Yes ladder can be sticky, but it will cause crash.
- PzH 2000 this weapon could be get a better spread effect after impact, like by the rockets. The sand spread more in the air like in the Battlefield 1918 Artellery impacts. Because the PzH 2000 is a powerful weapon.
Working on effects. Pz 2000, xm2001 , 2s19 will have the same explosion effect.Pz 2000 already most powerfull non-rocket artillery in sdc.
Thats my testing facts what i can found out. I will hope Brian Horrocks have the time to testing SuperDC v2.2 too?
Soon i will create sdc 2.21 demo with some levels to testers only, i hope.
But first of all i need to make eu faction and port some files to sdc.
Flags changed:
Making water will take more time then i thought. + i will try to add some interesting models (free 3ds) to mod. First of all it will be topol m. If the work will have sucssess i shall try some china , russian and eu tanks.
Topol m for example( for now its just a static mesh)
So next version will be delayed the developer bbfplayer said.
If do you cannot wait, you can...
SuperDC v2.2: Download
Here we have some water test movies for SuperDC created by bbfplayer:
1.) https://yadi.sk/d/5IhpvMmb3JgBUE
2.) https://yadi.sk/d/s2aQAos73Jo7CR
Source: battlefieldsingleplayer.com
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