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Freitag, 29. April 2016

GameRanger: Lichtblick für BF Vietnam & BF 2142 Fans!

Battlefield Vietnam und Battlefield 2142 Fans aufgepasst!

Totgesagte Leben länger!!!

Mit dem kostenlosen GameRanger Programm könnt ihr alte Spiele-Klassiker wieder online spielen. Während es für Battlefield 1942 und Battlefield 2 eine Lösung gibt, weiter Online zu spielen, war Battlefield Vietnam und Battlefield 2142 praktisch tot. Nun können Fans der Battlefield Reihe wieder Online dabei sein und sogar einen Eigenen Server Hosten und alte und neue Freunde einladen. Aufgrund unserer Recherche fiel auf, dass das GameRanger Programm, in unserer Community noch nicht einschlägig bekannt ist.

Nach der Registrierung bei der du den Nutzungsbestimmungen zustimmst, suchst du dir einen Nicknamen und Real Namen aus. Danach gebt ihr ein Passwort und eure E-Mail an, Nun kann es auch schon losgehen. Das Tool, scheint in einer Cloud gespeichert zu sein, denn man findet keine Installationsdatei auf dem Rechner? Wenn man bereits einen Nicknamen im BF 1942 Spiel hatte zum Beispiel: "Jaime Rodriguez (ESP)", kam nach dem Verbinden auf den Server die Veränderung des Nicknamens zu: "Jaime_Rodriguez_(ESP)", was ein kleinwenig störend ist. 

So sieht das Hauptmenü aus: 

Unterstützte Battlefield Spiele: 

  • Battlefield 1942
  • Battlefield 1942 Demo
  • Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons
  • Battlefield 1942 Secret Weapons Demo
  • Battlefield 1942 The Road To Rome
  • Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat
  • Battlefield 1942 Forgotten Hope
  • Battlefield Vietnam
  • Battlefield 2 
  • Battlefield 2 Demo
  • Battlefield 2 Spcial Forces
  • Battlefield 2142 

Mit GameRanger wieder alte Spiele Online spielen

Wenn ihr euch den "GameRanger" herunter ladet, besteht die Möglichkeit alte Spiele wieder Online zu spielen. Zum Beispiel diejene, die mit der Gamespy Abschaltung verschwunden sind.

Das besondere an diesem Programm ist, ihr könnt einen eigenen Online-Server erstellen (hosten), wo dann andere Spieler oder Freunde beitreten können. Wenn ihr nicht wollt, das Fremde auf euren Server kommen, könnt ihr ein Passwort schalten. Darüber hinaus bietet GameRanger Ligensysteme mit Rankings, Statistiken, Spielerprofilen, sowie Freundeslisten an.

Nach eigenen Angaben unterstützt GameRanger mehr als 720 Spiele verschiedenster Genres, unklar ist noch, ob in Zukunft noch weitere Spiele hinzugefügt werden. Die bekanntesten Oldschool - Retro Spiele sollten aber jedoch alle vertreten sein.

Falls euch die Werbung stören sollte, könnt ihr auf die kostenpflichtige Version von GameRanger wechseln.

Fazit und Test Bericht:

Als wir beim erstellen unserer News dort Online waren, gab es bereits einen gehosteten Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat und einen Forgotten Hope 0.7 Mod Server. Darüber hinaus mehr als 10 Battelfield 2 Server und einen Battlefield 2 Special Forces Server. Kinderleicht könnt ihr via E-Mail Freunde einladen und mit ihnen Chatten oder Quatschen. Beachtet bitte dabei, dass die Server nur solange geschaltet sind, wie der Server Ersteller Online ist. Somit kommt es zu einer Echtzeit Fluktuation der Serverliste, die nerven kann. Außerdem sind uns bisher durch die Bank weg nur Eigenbrötler über den Weg gelaufen, die

  • mit sich selber spielen wollen
  • mit ihren Freunden
  • ein Passwort geschaltet haben
  • Fragen ob man sich kennt und wenn man sagt nein, man wolle nur mitspielen, wird man abgelehnt
  • Beleidigt den Server Abschalten

Für Battlefield Vietnam und Battlefield 2142 ist GameRanger wiederum eine Errungenschaft, um mit ein paar Leuten diese Epoche der Battlefield Reihe wieder aufleben zu lassen.


Download "GameRanger":  click


Nun zu Euch Lesern

Schreibt doch mal, was Ihr für Erfahrungen mit dem GameRanger Programm gemacht habt?
Habt Ihr das Programm schonmal benutzt?
Lasst einfach ein Kommentar da und empfehlt uns den hg-clan.blogspot.de Blog weiter.
Wir Danken Euch im Vorraus.

Source: GameRanger.com, bfmods.com, chip.de

Montag, 25. April 2016

Silent Heroes 1.2 after the great Ragnarök event!

In the last time we had missing the massive action on the Silent Heroes Server on the Tuesday evenings at 8pm CET. Thats why it comes the idea from the dev and creator of the Silent Heroes Mod "Zarkow" to start a public RAGNARÖK (Armageddon) event. And there we were go! At 9:15pm we have peak the 40 Players and we stay a couple of maps on this visit level. It was a fantastic event, we had start at 7 pm CET on the "SH Wake" map and play till 02 am CET in the morning. We finished this great event on the legendary and weekly played map "Ingenmansland". The people had use Mumble on this event. Specially on this event was, you could seen that event live on the Twitch channel. Thanks to the special guests: mistamontiel, Barbarossa, Reegad, christopher, taxidef and to all guys, which successfull this event on the Chips Silent Heroes Server! We will hope thats not the end of this great scandinavia community in BF 1942.

Look at the 5hours 38minutes Silent Heroes action! It's recorded on the Twitch Channel and comment by player "Apan": https://www.twitch.tv/nyaapan/v/62364935

The twich livestream was made for the people what cannot be go online or missed this great event. Now you have the chance to look this movie more than 5hours 1/2 from the view of your commentator and player "Apan"!

Rules for the server were and are:
# After each map is loaded make sure you are on the right channel in Mumble for voice communication (see below)
# A restart will be done before the match begins to enable everyone to spawn in the first spawn wave.
# Each map will be played in two rounds, switch team after the first round is finished.
# Enjoy this! It will most likely never happen again.
# 5 maps will be played, which maps and the order in which they will come is Top Secret

Are you lost your Battlefield 1942 discs and didn't get a chance to download it from Origin before EA removed it completely due to the death of Gamespy?

Don't worry - we have the solution for you to both problems! 

We had during at 23rd of April at 19:00 CET  a great event on the Silent Heroes Mod. We were 40 Players, more than ever before!!! All the people what play this mod weekly in the past were online.  For more info about the conversation in the Silent Heroes Forum: Click here
Got your Silent Heroes 1.2 new complete fan package there:  FULL DOWNLOAD of Battlefield 1942 and Silentheroes click here.

If you are unsure on how to get online follow this simple guide (created by Apan):
1. Download the file above
2. Extract to anywhere on your hard drive
3. Start BF1942.exe
4. Click: "Multiplay"-> "Internet"
5. In the drop down menu to the right under "Custom Filter" choose Silentheroes
6. Click: "Update"
7. Doubleclick "Chips Silentheroes 1.2"

Observe that for Windows 7 or Vista you must set the "Graphics Quality" to "Low" under "Options" -> "Video".


Voice communication:
We will use Mumble wich is available here: http://www.mumble.com/mumble-download.php

Server name: mumble.opfs.net

Choose subchannel to channel SilentHeroes:
#Lag 1 (Sverige fOrsta rundan) - If you are on the Swedish team the first round
#Lag 2 (Norge fOrsta rundan) - If you are on the Norwegian team the first round
If you don't know Swedish and want to understand the rest of us, remind us to use English!!! 

Start of our Silent Heroes 2016 April Event movie compilation

SH Wake


Skogsväg #2:

Skogsväg #3: 

TRT Meraker:


SM Wake, here we were and stay for the next maps 40 Players, that was amazing:

Don't worry the second Part of the Silent Heroes 2016 April Event movie compilation continues later.....

Nachruf: Silent Heroes wird gewöhnlich Dienstags ab 20 Uhr auf dem Chips Server gespielt. Leider hat die Teilnehmerzahl in den letzten Jahren abgenommen. Aber am Samstag, den 23,4 ab 19 Uhr - 02 Uhr nachts gab es einen Lichtblick, darüber haben wir am 11.4.2016 hier im HG - Blog berichtet. Damals hätten wir nicht gedacht, dass 40 Leute auf den Server kommen. Aber ja, doch! Am Samstag Abend waren wir 40 Spieler auf dem Server und alle die, die früher an dem Dienstag Event Teilgenommen haben, waren anwesend. Wir hoffen es bleiben wieder ein paar Spieler hängen, sodass das Dienstags Event wieder mehr an Bedeutung unter den Spielern gewinnt..

Hier ist der Download zur Mod, "Origin sei Dank", auch für Leute geeignet die sonst kein "BF 1942" spielen oder es nicht auf der Festplatte mehr haben und die neu im Spiel sein wollen. Hol dir dein  

Silent Heroes 1.2 Fan Paket (Win7/8/10 Kompatibel):  http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

Der Clou ist, man kann all e anderen Mods die man mag dazu ergänzen.

Source: silentheroes.se

Donnerstag, 21. April 2016

FHSW new Recoilless Rifle for FHSW 0.6

This time the FHSW developers present us new anti-tank weapons for the infantry. A lot of work and detail also went into creating custom animations for these weapons which you can see in the following video.

A number of warheads were developed for the Bazooka but only a few of them were actually used in combat. Three of them will be added for FHSW 0.6.

T12 HEAT Rocket

After the introduction of the improved M6A3 rocket with its rounded head further development started. One suggestion was to attach folding wings for a more stable flight. It was designated as T12 and tested in 1944 but never fielded.
In FHSW this weapon is a decent improvement over the regular M6A1 rocket as it can penetrate up to 127 mm of armour instead of 100 mm. It will be available occasionally on maps from 1944 and later.

Mk II Frag Rocket

In 1943 a special fragmentation warhead consisting of two Mk II hand grenades was developed. The pin of the top grenade was pulled and the rocket loaded into the launcher with the arming lever riding against the bore. When fired the lever flew off and the rocket exploded after the regular 4 to 5 seconds creating an airburst. It was little used in combat and never standardized.
Because of its timed fuse this rocket is different from any other weapon in FHSW. It's of great use on urban maps where it's often tricky to lob regular hand grenades into an upper-story window for example. With time people will probably figure out other creative ways to use this special ammunition. On some maps it will appear as pick-up kit.

T27 HC Smoke Rocket

The T27 was a rocket where the anti-tank warhead was replaced with a smoke head which saw limited combat testing.
Similar to the Mk II rocket the T27 is basically an improved smoke grenade which lets you create smoke screens from great distance with good accuracy

M18 recoilless rifle


The M18 was a 57 mm anti-tank recoilless rifle used by the U.S. Army in World War II and the Korean War. The main advantage over the Bazooka was the greatly improved accuracy and range. On the downside it was often unable to penetrate the late war German tanks, against the light Japanese tanks however, it proved to be very successful.
Because of the great range it feels different from the Bazooka, it's like carrying an AT gun on your shoulder. To be able to also hit something at these distance it's equipped with the M86F scope.

If you see a 6 m wide target and it fits exactly between the two stadia lines fire away! You can read the target's distance on the left. Similarly if a target is roughly 3 m wide you have to line it up with one stadia line and the centre line.
The weapon is available with the following ammunition:
  • M307A1: HEAT projectile which penetrates up to 76 mm of armour
  • M306: high-explosive for use against soft targets
  • M308: smoke shell
  • T25E1: canister shot, extremely effective against infantry, low range

Ordnance, RCL, 3.45inch Mk 1


Besides Germany and the US also Britain experimented with recoilless guns. However due to breech wear problems it did not see action.
Gameplay-wise it's similar to the M18 recoilless rifle but thanks to its higher calibre and better warheads it's a lot more effective against tanks. The HEAT projectile penetrates up to 120 mm armour which is more than the Bazooka and is therefore a great help in dealing with German tanks. The second available ammunition is a HESH round which is extremely powerful and is able to penetrate 180 mm armour! It's also viable to use it against houses and bunkers because it has a "wallbuster" effect that can kill infantry hiding behind walls. This variant will be very rare and can only be found on certain late war maps.

In reality the sight could be adjusted for the different ranges but this feature is not possible to code in Battlefield 1942. Instead it was slightly modified to work like the sights of rifle grenades or knee mortars to help you with the aiming.

Source: Wbmuse.blog89.fc2.com

Sonntag, 17. April 2016

SuperDC v2.07 Release!

Hi Guys, we want to present you today the Release from the Super DC v2.07 Modern Warfare Mod.
This SuperDC Mod is now the best Modern Warfare Mod in BF1942. Why?
Because this mod bring the best modding art together in the year 2016.
It is developed by an one russian guy "bbfplayer".  Specially on this mod is, it has full COOP support.

The guy "bbfplayer" do an excellent job for made the best Modern Warfare mod for us, "the players"!
You have the Commander mode for example. Be a Commander in your team? Everywhere on the map position you want, you can drop the Commander station with your personal officer kit? And there is a kit to drop some different vehicle/tanks. You can pilot drones and shoot aims on the floor or drop ammo boxes. It's possible to drop AA Guns, MG settings, rocket settings or requesting dirty Bombs or A-Bombs and you can drop. As soldier you can drop ammo or medic kits. You can call artillery fire with you binoculars.
If do you find any bugs or other bad bugs, please post it to this Topic: BFSP Forum.
Playable fractions are Afghanistan, Russia, Great Britain, USA, Turkmenistan, Rebells, Yugoslavia,  Euro Forces (Bundeswehr, French Army).
You have on this version a lot of different maps and different vehicles, for example the main battle tank of french Leclerc, from US Abrams-Bradley, from germany Leopard-Marder-Dingo-PzH 2000, from the chinese forces you can use the QBZ-95, QBB-95_LSW, from russia T 81, from vietnam war T 54, from the UK Challenger 2, and many more vehicles waiting for you here. It waiting for you specially bf2 and bf242 maps and summary round about 51 maps to play.

-QBZ-95, QBB-95_LSW for china side (graza weapon editing)

-Mk46, M4AFSOCC for british SAS
Super DC has a few modern ships like Kyznetsov, Akula Submarine (DCX Mod) and Boxer.

Super DC v2.07 April 2016: Download

Source: battlefieldsingleplayer.com

Mittwoch, 13. April 2016

FHSW three new maps for us!

Today we want to show you some new maps from the japanese dev community: click

"The Flaktower" a fictional battle map:

Best Regrats from the "Attack on Pearl Harbor":

From this map i have this screenshot only "Huang He Flood 1938":

FHSW 0.552: Download

Please be sure, that you have install the "Forgotten Hope 0.7" Mod at first! 

 Thats for now, please leave a comment here: