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Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

Warfront next comming update #3

After the Sherman US Tank, we present to you some Tank Power from the Sowjets (Red Army). The IS-2 finally makes it's debut on the WarFront! The Warfront Mod developer takiwa make it happen. This IS-2 was in the WW2 last days of the battle in and around Berlin in use, to brake the last german resistance in germans main city.

Today I present to you the new heavy for the Russian, the IS-2. The IS-2 began production in October of 1943, and was used as a spearhead by the Red Army in the final stage of the Battle of Berlin.

With 90-100mm of sloped armor on the hull, and 155mm rounded armor on the mantlet, the IS-2 is a beast in a hull-down position. And with the D25-T 122mm gun, it can penetrate anything the Germans can throw at it.


But beware, with a rate of fire of 2-3 rounds per minute, this is not a tank to be caught out in the open with...Peek-a-boom is the style you wanna use when driving this monster.

You can pack up to 4 people in this tank, with a driver/gunner, front hull machine gun, rear turret machine gun, and a commander position in the cupola that enables you to call for artillery strikes.

As always, have fun on the battlefield, and I'll hopefully see you next week with another update!

Warfront v2.0 (WW2) 07/2017: Download

Warfront v2.2 Patch 08/2017 (requesting): Download

Author: takiwa

Source: moddb.com

Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2017

Eve of Destruction: 11th Charlie don't Surf Event 2017


Hi Freunde der Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, der Herbst neigt sich dem Ende, es ist Noooooveeember 2017!

Der Winter steht vor der Türe.
Lasst uns gemeinsam das 11. "Charlie don't Surf" Event 2017 auf dem hslan Server celebrieren.

Der EoD Server hat die IP gewechselt, im moment muss man die IP Adresse von Hand eingeben um auf den Server zu gelangen. Aber hslan.simpson ist dabei, das zu beheben, sodass ihr bald wieder wie gewohnt den Server in eurer Gamespy Liste und Gametracker seht. 

So funktionierts:


Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen dabei zu sein, egal ob Euer Betriebssystem Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 oder 10 heißt, "kommt zahlreich auf den hslan Server angereist"!

 Movie appetizer:

Freitag Abend, den 03.11.2017 um 20 Uhr geht es los, streicht es dick in Eurem Kalender oder Handy Oragnizer an.
Macht mit uns das 11. Event in diesem Jahr gemeinsam auf dem HSLAN Server zum Erfolg!

     Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51


     Port: 14567

Darüber hinaus bemühen wir uns täglich abends ab 20 Uhr mit ein paar Mann.
Also bitte nicht nur starr ans Event halten, welches monatlich jeden ersten Freitag stattfindet, sondern einfach mal abends spontan dazu kommen.

Wenn ihr den hslan Server unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr gerne spenden, mit dem Verwendungszweck "Eve of Destruction Classic 2.51 hslan Server": klick hier

Hi friends of Eve of Destruction Vietnam Mod, the Atumn goes to the end, it's Noooveember!

It's the first friday at this month, Charlie calls:  "Charlie don't surf time"!
The EoD server changed the IP, at the moment you must enter address by hand to get to the server. But hslan.simpson is going to fix this, so you soon again as usual see back the server at the Gametracker list and in your GameSpy Browser.

So you come to the server:


Are you ready for the 11th Event in 2017?

Her since being invited in regardless of whether your operating system is Windows XP, Vista, 7,8 or 10 means!

Friday night, the 03.11.2017 at 08:00pm CET o'clock we go, coat it on thick in your calendar or mobile Oragnizer.
For this new year let's rock that 6th Friday mainevent on hslan. And we will hope to collect the power of the community.

In addition, we visit the server daily in the evening from 08:00pm CET! If do you want, you can meet us with some guys there.
So please not only hold the date on the event, which takes place every first Friday monthly, come one evening you can spontaneously.

What you need to play?

1.) Basic for the new Fans: http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

2.) bf1942.exe Patch for finding Server extract to your "..EA GAMES/Battlefield 1942.." Folder and overwrite the old one: http://team-simple.org/download/bf1942-v1.61-retail-patched.zip

3.) Eve of Destruction 2.51 Mod, got the 5 Parts + 2.51 Hotfix (don`t forget this small one): http://www.bf-games.net/downloads/category/56/eve-of-destruction.html

Come on, peak the visits on the Server up!

There we play: 

      Server Name: [hslan.de] EoD Classic 2.51


     Port: 14567

If do you want to support the Server, you can leave a donate with the purpose of use "Eve of Destruction Classic 2.51 HSLAN Server": click here

Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2017

Warfront next comming update #2


After the Japanese protecting weapon in our last news we present to you the second news from the developer takiwa about the comming Warfront content. The famous battle tank of the US -  M4A3 Sherman, and some of it's variants, to the Front.

The M4A3(75)W


I have a few updates to make this weekend, and today I'll start by asking you to welcome to the 'Front our latest arrival...the M4A3(75)W Sherman.


The M4A3(75)W entered into production in 1944, and the model represented here was only manufactured by Fisher Body. It came in the same three tried and true variants...a 75mm version, a 76mm version (shown above, the M4A3(76)W), and the 105mm version (show


Still as dangerous as before, complete with both hull-mounted and turret-mounted machine guns, this beast is ready to deal teh Axis powers a fatal blow on all late 1944 through 1945 battles.

Keep an eye out for the next update (which should be tomorrow)...I have a few more goodies to show off :)  takiwa

Warfront v2.0 (WW2) 07/2017: Download

Warfront v2.2 Patch 08/2017 (requesting): Download

Author: takiwa

Source: moddb.com

Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2017

Warfront: After Release and Patch the developing goes on!


After the last appeared Patch the developer "takiwa" of the Warfront create some more content for the Warfront World War two Mod. Today he present to us the Type1 47mm Anti Tank Gun, in the World War two it was a protecting weapon for the Japanese Troops against the storming Allies from the US.

Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Gun


Today I present the answer to the Japanese anti-tank question...the Type 1 47mm AT Gun.


The Type 1 47 mm AT Gun was introduced in 1942, and approximately 2,300 were produced. It was a relative modern design compared to other Japanese Second World war designs, being relatively light and easy to handle. It was intended to be operated from a kneeling or prone position, behind a gun shield to protect the gunner.

  With 76mm of penetration, it will be a deadly encounter for most American tanks that wander into it's aim without scouting...


Be sure to grab the next WarFront patch to test this gun out, and happy hunting :)  takiwa

You can find the Warfront Mod Download in our Download Pool 2017:

Warfront 2.0 + 2.2 Patch: Download

Author: takiwa

Source: moddb.com

Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017

Forgotten Hope: new PFC Map in work!

After the successfully PFC events at the summer, the Forgotten Hope mod is back in mapping action. Kampsau the main mapper of the Forgotten Hope Mod for the pixel-fighter community make it possible. At the start of the year 2017, he released a complete East Front Mappack for the community. Now is a new map in made. The name of the new map brings you back to the westfront of the WW2. The name of the new map is Raid on Helgoland. 

If the map already appear soon, then you can try they perhaps already in the beta. However at the latest when the map is finished and officially listed, you can download them here: Download

1.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 full Windows 7/8/10 support, you have the choose between the only one installer or the old 3 Parts installer compatible to Win XP:  Download (Win7/8/10) or Download  (Win XP only)

2.) FHC Interface: Download

3.) BLOODY SCREEN + LOW HP:  Download

Installation: Battlefield 1942/Mods/FH/Archives/ (paste menu_001.rfa here)

3.) Forgotten Hope 0.7 - Famous Bratwurst + Texture Patch "22.Sep 2015": Download

We anxiously look forward for this amazing new Forgotten Hope map. Stay tuned.

Author: Kampfsau

Source: pixel-fighter.com

Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2017

Battlegroup42: statement for the final Release!

A couple of days ago there was a Battlegroup42 Mod developer statement from Sarge31FR Coder-in-Chief in facebook. Here we present it to you:

new update on mod development
hi guys  Sorry for being so late, but i had a lot of things to do, and time for modding was rather sparse.
But don't worry, we're still working on finishing the mod, and the next release will most likely be this year. We're planning on making the next release the definitive, final release. Only in case of major problems we will be releasing a patch.

We won't be able to fix all of the bugs though. Some of our Coop maps just won't work well, and we've been unable to locate and fix the problems. Maybe we'll remove Coop from those maps, but this has yet to be decided. Another option would be to rework those maps, but this may not help much.
At the moment i'm busy with checking for bugs, optimizing some things and replacing some of the vanilla textures with new, higher resolution textures.
That's it for today, stay tuned

Battlegroup42 RC3 (5 Parts) + Patch 1: Download

Important: If do you start the first part 1 of the BG42 installer, the rest of the parts install automatically, you have only to patch after then the Patch 1 to be one of the part of the [MOB] Battlegroup42 RC 3 Server!!!

Battlegroup42 Website: click here

Battlegroup42 on Facebook: click here

Author: Sarge31FR

Source: facebook.com

.......breaking News.... 

Ihr könnt euch schonmal auf das nächste Forgotten Hope 0.7 Event "The Commando" auf dem Pixel Fighter Server freuen! Die Ankündigung für das Event steht schon, sollte ein Termin dazu feststehen, werden wir euch hier darüber informieren.
Am kommenden Sonntag findet wieder eines von den regelmäßigen FHSW Motto Events statt bei denen ihr herzlich eingeladen seid teilzunehmen.

Um bei dem FHSW Event dabei zu sein, müsst ihr über diese Dateien Verfügen oder diese gegebenenfalls ergänzen:

1.) Basic: http://sh.metrica.se/static/sh/bf1942sh.zip

2.) Forgotten Hope 0.7: Download

3.) FHSW 0.61 + more: Download's

4.) FHSW 0.61 Mappack Part 1: Download

Source fhsw-europe.com

Freitag, 6. Oktober 2017

Battlefield 1918 v3.2: comming Amored Cars!

Neue gepanzerte Fahrzeuge werden den weg in die neue Battlefield 1918 v3.2 finden, so zeigte uns der Spieler Granate. Dazu gab es neue inside Bilder zum Stand der Mod auf

Facebook: BF 1918 Gruppe

zu sehen.Desweiteren werden helfende Hände im Modding Bereich gesucht. Es werden Moddeler, Mapper, Code und Skinner gesucht, welche bei der Battlefield 1918 Entwicklung mitarbeiten möchten? Kontakt gibts über Facebook, weiter oben verlinkt oder über

moddb.com: click here

Darüber hinaus machte uns Spieler und BF 1918 Supporter "Granate" darauf aufmerksam, dass man noch Modeller, Coder, Mapper, COOP experten oder Skinner gebrauchen könnte, die mithelfen das Projekt schneller vorran zu treiben. Da man zurzeit vorrangig nur zu zweit im moment an der Mod arbeitet.

Battlefield 1918 v3.1Download

Für meinen langjährigen deutschen Kameraden (seit 2008) STRAUCHDIEB ex - Leader des Legendären =DFL= (Die Fremden Legion) Battlefield 1918 Clan mache ich gerne Werbung für den zweiten BF 1918 Server, danke dass du uns den Server stellst Kamerad!!! Lang lebe unsere Modding Szene!

Source: Facebook

Montag, 2. Oktober 2017

Battlefield 1942: HD-Mod in Arbeit


Ein Hauch von Nostalgie weht pünktlich zum 15. Geburtstag von Battlefield 1942 über diese Seite. Denn vergangenes Wochenende wurde ein HD-Remaster-Projekt für Battlefield 1942 angekündigt. Der Modder ScureHD will dazu alle Maps des Ur-Battlefields überarbeiten und dem Spiel eine bessere Optik verpassen. Geplant sind demnach:
  • Neue Texturen mit einer Auflösung von 4096 x 4096 Pixeln
  • Überarbeitete Partikel-Effekte wie Nebel, Rauch und Explosionen
  • Neue Wasser-Effekte
  • Eine höhere Auflösung für Reflektionen bei Objekten
  • Eine höhere Detaildichte
  • Eine neue Skybox
  • Neue Shader für bessere Schatten
Einige (Wüsten-) Maps sind bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten, bei anderen gibt es noch ein bisschen was zu tun. Eine spielbare Version soll noch dieses Jahr erscheinen, ein Release der finalen Version ist für 2018 geplant. Weitere Informationen zum Modder findet ihr auf dessen Youtube-Kanal, mehr Informationen zur Mod auf ModDB. Dass das ganze schon durchaus sehenswert aussieht beweist der Modder mit einem Vergleichsvideo.


Author: Panzerfahrer

Quelle bf-games.net